Why are black people so LOUD?

So long as chicken & waffles count, we’re good.

While I can’t speak for white people everywhere, I can answer for myself:

Laziness. It’s just so much work being all cool and hip…

Other white folk, I suspect, are just plain stupid. :slight_smile:

It’s really no wonder we all can’t get along :rolleyes:


Not getting this.

Bass ackwards, (ETA: is an offbeat way of saying) ass backwards… I was agreeing with you, and saying I felt the OP was stereotyping. ETA2: Further I was saying I felt the OP was wayward, by saying he was bass ackwards. :wink:

You’re missing an important corollary: Why are white people so quiet? It’s indisputably true that when I go to a white church, everyone sits silently. They might as well be dead. And their timid, buttoned-down singing, if you can call it that, is an affront to Baby Jesus. Have they not ever been admonished to “Make a joyous noise unto the Lord”? As one minister begged his whiter-than-white parishioners last time I attended church in Vermont, “We’re going to hear a gospel choir. I know it’s hard, but see if you can clap and move your shoulders a little bit.”

That is all.

Some of my best friends eat chickens.

Okay, I just got back from Popeye’s. As soon as eat this, I’ll start calling people, aksing them if I’m loud.
I got dirty rice and some corn on the cob, too. Hopefully that won’t negate the experiment.

Later, I’ll start drinking some malt liquor, see how loud that makes me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Obviously it is due to the oppression by white men.

Do you think they were quiet when we whipped them for no reason at all?

In Africa, they had to be quiet so Lions wouldn’t hear them and eat them.

And of course black people have not been allowed to mumble in the presence of a white man ever.
“What’s that you say BOY!”

So putting up with loud African Americans, in movie theatres and business meetings is one of the small prices we have to pay for our horrible oppression of the nobel negro of yesterday.

Man, I wish I could hear what you said, but my wife sent me to Deafsville by whispering in my ear.

K. I wondered if your askew eyebrow was directed at me, in which case I couldn’t figure out what meaning you were attributing to my post.


Shit, I thought this was going to turn out to be one of those clever parodies, where the OP shows how stupid someone else can be by recasting their idiotic drivel in terms of race or something. I want my money back.

It’s because they’re descendants of Ham, son of Noah, who was cursed to be a servant and slave to his brethren forever. No, no, wait. It’s because the shape of the black man’s skull and facial bones definitely points to his relation to the great apes. No, wrong again. Um…it’s because…damn, I’m all out of ridiculous racist assertions. Can’t help you.

It’s because we don’t drink coffee :rolleyes:

I think it’s the whips. You know, back when Massa whipped their Bee-hinds. Those whips made lots of noise, resulting in congenital partial-deafness (and very thick Bee-hinds, but that’s a different thread). I think the chains on those ships were loud too. And boll weevils, might as well blame the boll weevils.

And all that loud religious singing. Man, black heaven must be a noisy-ass place. They do have their own heaven, right? I mean, you couldn’t have one heaven for everyone, cuz it’d be hell for all the quiet white folk.

Ohhh, so we’re yelling to keep each other awake?

I don’t know the answer to this, but I’m guessing that it’s somehow connected to golf.


Wait a minute…I’m black? But I’m soft-spoken! Now I’m racially confused.


Uh…never mind.

The OP should know better than to ask a “Why do black people X” question. Really, they’re guaranteed to end bad here. I know from first-hand experience. I’m surprised pizzabrat hasn’t shown up; if I should so much as mention race in a post, I can rely on an immediate response.


I’m hesitant to say this, because it seems that nobody in the thread so far is interested in doing anything but making cracks and/or implying (or outright stating) that the OP is a bigot, but in my own personal experience there is some truth to what he’s said (despite it being a can-of-worms subject that he should’ve known was a can-of worms, like the “black people don’t tip” meme).

To be more specific (and hopefully use enough parenthetical qualifiers), I have noticed for a long time that many (not all) black people out in public places often (not always) tend to be noticeably louder than white people (in general) when talking with others of the same race. In the train station or on the train, for example, it’s pretty common for me to hear two or more blacks who seem to be basically shouting at each other, or attempting to converse by screaming back and forth across a fairly large distance, which doesn’t seem to occur as often between whites, Hispanics, etc. Every once in a while I hear what sounds to me at first like the yelling that indicates an fight is about to take place, but which turns out to just be a loud, friendly conversation.

I also noticed, when I worked as a waiter, that groups of black people (whether male, female, or mixed) were often pretty loud and boisterous when eating out together, seemingly more frequently than non-blacks. Groups of black schoolkids in the train station or at the museum, etc., typically seem (to me) to generate a lot more noise than comparable crowds of white kids.

I guess I understand the motivation to attack any sorts of generalizations of this kind, and I’ll probably be excoriated for making them. I’m not suggesting it’s an ironclad rule with no exceptions, or that there’s any sort of cause other than cultural for the phenomenon. (My black co-workers don’t shout at me, or each other, inside the office building, for example.) It is a generalization, but it’s something I’ve observed so frequently over the years, at least where I’ve lived, that I’m surprised it would be that controversial.