Why are butt cleaning toilet attachments not more popular in America/the west?

Eh, I’m not using something before figuring out how not to come out with my behind still wet.

Try it a few times. Tell us what you think! :slight_smile:

With a small towel hanging nearby specifically for the purpose, the size of a hand towel. And before you get all grossed out, remember your arse is sqeeky clean so it’s really no different than when you get out of the shower.

I briefly worked in south Texas selling plumbing supplies. Folks from Asia, I could help. Run a line from under the sink. Central American, weird, but not a problem, grew up not flushing tissue. Some Canadians were a huge pain-- needed to make sure their toilet tank was insulated and/or had a warmer. So it didn’t sweat. Really.

Whenever I want to wash my hands or take a shower, I have to let the water run freely for about 15 seconds before the warm water from the hot-water-tank reaches the bathroom. Those first few seconds can be COLD water, unpleasant to feel on my hands or my face…and I sure wouldn’t want a cold spray on my butt, either.

I wouldn’t call that a given when neither the sprayer nor the target is visible.

The hot water is hot - I wouldn’t want that sprayed against my backside either.

FWIW, I’ve used the attachment at near zero temperatures (and while the US can be colder than what I’m used to, the water probably can’t. There’s a hard limit there after all). I find that my butt at least isn’t that sensitive to the cold water. Still, no reason you can’t have the attachment connected to your hot water plumbing, run the jet for a few seconds until it runs warm. Aim it at a nearby drain perhaps? Or into the toilet.

Also, since so many people are bringing this up, is cold water on butt why the idea isn’t more popular? That’s what I’m really trying to understand. It seems like a pretty weak objection to me. I imagine you get hot water piped to every single water outlet in your house. This is just another one.

It really isn’t hard. Try it and see. There may be a learning curve, although I don’t think so. Human proprioception is more than equal to the task of pointing a jet of water at your own backside. Especially when it becomes something you do everyday.

And cmon. do you have a shower in your house that runs both hot and cold water? Is it that hard to imagine that a hand shower next to your WC could have a similar setup?

Forget the water – if a wand is coming out anyway, just arm it with some paper and have it waggle back and forth. That I’d pay for.

We could call it the Wand of Destiny.

It’s not hard to imagine that it could have a similar setup, but it’s kind of hard to imagine it wouldn’t be something of a pain in the ass, if you’ll forgive the expression. I mean, I have the choice of either blasting my anus with scalding or frigid water, or I can spend 30 seconds to a minute (depending on the bathroom) waiting for the water to get to a comfortable temp. Then I have to dry myself off, which means I got spend time and paper drying with that, or I can use the same towel everyone else who uses that bathroom has been rubbing on their rectum and/or vulva.

I’ve had surgery that left an episiotomy-like wound and therefore used those little irrigation bottles on my crotch. I never felt any cleaner than I do just wiping (just far less likely to dance around shrieking “It burns! It burns!! OH GOD IT BURNS!!!” when a stray half-drop of urine might touch my incision.) Even room-temperature water is terribly cold at first, although after a few weeks I got desensitized to the point that it was merely unpleasant. And for the cherry on the crap sundae, drying off took longer than just wiping does. So no, I have absolutely zero desire to install such an appliance in my home, even if it didn’t mean calling in a plumber and electrician to fish around in the Byzantine insanity that is the half-ass, cobbled-together plumbing and wiring of this house.*

*Some day, I will find out who did these various remodels and cut these ridiculous corners that make having new work done so stupidly complicated, and I will hunt those fuckers down.

Fiddle with hot- and cold-water knobs. Check temperature. Adjust knobs. Check temperature again. Adjust knobs again…

except I have a two-year-old.

She already likes playing with water. (Bathtime is her favorite time of the day).

The last thing I need is her spraying the bathroom floor an inch deep in water.

Yeah. I can very carefully and emphatically forbid it. That doesn’t mop up the water and replace the electronics destroyed by water leaking through the ceiling below into the office when she inevitably “forgets”.

I can’t believe I’m the only one who has mentioned this…

If I saw an attachment next to toilet that other people had used to spray their anus, I wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole. Pathogen playground. Even if I had exclusive use of it, I’d be wary.

That’s aside from all the practical issues: (1) Water temp – either it’s freezing cold, or it’s warm but god forbid someone flush the toilet downstairs!!; (2) Accidentally dousing myself while on the toilet, as I’m a spaz (see username); (3) Yeah, a water toy in the bathroom for use by my son and all his friends.

I’m a skilled wiper. (Seriously, ask me for tips!). Works for me.

FWIW, my whole body is squeaky clean when I get out of the shower, and the towel I use to dry off then gets pretty funky after about two uses.

Woah, are you serious? If you wipe the anus with a towel, however well-washed the anus might be, there will be pathogens on said towel.

Are these multiple-use anus towels?? I can imagine few things more disgusting and dangerous.

You must watch some really tame porn. :wink:

For those who have/use these, do you also use soap? I’m not opposed to ass washers, but getting things wet doesn’t make them inherently cleaner. If I have a “peanut butter” shit at home I’ll just go squat in my shower and scrub. Spraying some cold water on the mess isn’t any better IMHO than just using paper.

Yeah, I don’t even like to share a bath towel with my own husband, and that’s before considering the possibility he dried his ass crack with it.

I think it’s going to be a while before I can eat peanut butter again. Thank you internet!

Those who disparage bidets have never tried one. The idea you can get your bunghole as clean by scrubbing it with soft paper is absurd. AFA the water being cold, it’s surprisingly not that big a deal- refreshing even :slight_smile: And they don’t get you sopping wet. Just sit for a few seconds, then a couple squares is all you need. With the bidet attachment, the stream is pretty focused where it’s needed and nothing else gets wet.