Why are Christians typically so Anti-Abortion?

Well, see, I’m an agnostic. I don’t pray, as it doesn’t fit into my belief system. Besides, why would I ask forgiveness for something that I don’t believe is wrong? That’s just really, really stupid.

And, no, sex is not the only thing holding my marriage together. We love and respect one another very much, but there is no room in the life we’ve built together, or the life we intend for the future, for children. Since I am unwilling, for any reason at any time, to carry a pregnancy, and there is no absolutely 100% effective birth control except for complete and total abstinance from any sexual contact whatsoever, we’re stuck with the options I outlined above. We can have absolutely no sexual contact with one another till I either get past menopause or am able to get a hysterectomy, which is death to a marriage between two young healthy adults, or we can get the best birth control available to us and abort if we fall into the .3% failure rate. (Note, even with a tubal and a vasectomy, there’s still a .01-.25% chance of pregnancy, so even being sterilized, we still run the risk if we choose to have sex.)

Frankly, though, I could give a big fat one what anyone else thinks of my morality or of my marriage. These things are between me, my husband, and our higher powers. I was just pointing out that it’s not as cut-and-dried as “If you don’t want a baby, don’t have sex.”

Well the whole subject is basicaly pointless if people don’t belive in God, the Soul or religion.

The topic of the post was " Why are Christians typically so Anti-Abortion".

and Not " why are Agnostic people who just belive in just what to, pro abortion ? "

If you only belive what fits perfectly into your life then sure there is no debate at all becasue in your own little universe you will always going to be correct.

That is unless perhaps your wrong in the end, but thats what fredom of choice is all about. :slight_smile:

So- the answer to the OP is… Bzzzz “Wrong”.

Most Christians are not (“anti-abortion”). Some Atheists are “AA”. Other faiths are “AA” also. Thus “Christian” has no real connection to “anti abortion”. A good question might have been- “Some Christians are anti-abortion; what is their religous reason for this?”

We get a lot of threads with a title something like “why do Christians XXXX”?" and the answer almost always ends up as: 1. Only a few Christians do “XXXX”. 2. Other faiths also do XXXX. 3. Unbeleivers also do XXXX.

So- are these type threads started out of bigotry or ignorance?

Topic is getting kind of snippy. I for one dearly hope sex doesn’t end at 65, so being fruitful is not the main goal of sex, at least not anymore, not for me. People on both sides of the fence believe it is ending a life, others don’t. I think the “typical” Christian opinion is that it is wrong for me and then the camp divides into who wants to decide that it is wrong for other people. I do have a question for Zeer. If someone truly holds a belief that something is not wrong, won’t a fair God take that into consideration? Cut 'em some slack? Since we “the believers” know that no one dies (soul wise), is the act as horrendous to God as it seems to man? Just wondering. IWLN

DrDeth to answer your question…BOTH!

SunTzu…“Dingdingding- Good answer!”. :smiley:

I’m sorry but some of these replies are simply making me SICK. Abortion is, and will forever be MURDER. I am not a Christian(at this point in time) but my family is, and I was watching a religious program with them and they were talking about partial birth abortion and how it should be banned. Then they went into showing how they did it, a video and everything. And I was so mortified that I had to leave the room, I literally got SICK.
You are taking an innocent life that was given to you and are killing it. You don’t have to keep the child so in that respect you CAN reject it, just like if you chose to reject GOD. And today with there being so many way to keep from being pregnant, and conceiving, no one(unless raped) can really say…BUT I DIDN’T KNOW or any of that mumbo jumbo that comes with an unwanted pregnancy…
I’m sorry, but anyone who choses to have an abortion is a murderer plan and simple!

If a Woman was forced to have the child and not have it aborted. Would she end up loving that child in time? She would most likely find it impossible to kill her child after she has had it for a year but would not have a problem killing it before its born.

What causes some women to Love the child before its born and others find no problems killing it prior to its birth ?

I am guessing the fact that they don’t actually have to see it makes it easier on them to deal with it. Just imagine if they could see its little face wince in pain and agony when it was being taken out.

We can only hope and pray for Gods Judgement on people who consider that 20 mins of sexual pleasure is worth it to kill someone.


And what if a woman forced to give birth bitterly resents the child which ruined her life? What if she brutally abuses it?

Maternal love is by no means automatic, especially if a woman sees the child as the reason why she lives in poverty and can’t find a good man.


There’s a difference between a pregnancy which is planned and one which is not. A woman who wants to have a baby can form a very intense bond with the child while it’s still in utero. A woman for which a pregnancy is disaster sees the fetus as an unwanted intruder-- the symbol of all of her crushed hopes.


In a sense, you’re right. It is easier to abort when one has not personalized the fetus.

However, what you’re suggesting is overly cruel to those women who deperately want a baby, but for whatever reason, find that they must terminate their pregnancy.

I find the “If they could see how awful it looks” argument against abortion to be one of the weakest. Many medical procedures are painful and distressing to witness, such as childbirth.

Sexual pleasure isn’t the point. The point for some women is to be able to build a decent life. For some, it means not having to struggle for the next twenty years to support a child they did not want.

Is there an age where the doctor will sterilize you?
What contraception are you using?

As a christian, I’ve been in churches where its considered murder(all of them).
Then, I got pregnant. When my son was 1 and a half.
Guy said it wasn’t his, dumped me like a rock and I didn’t want the baby.
I got an abortion.
Do I considere it murder?
Well, yes, but legal.

I could’ve kept going and gave it up for adoption, but I didn’t.

It would be so nice if there was a 100% birth control.
Maybe someday. Science is progressing.

Vanilla, there are no hard and fast rules for deciding who can get the snip and who can’t; it’s left to the discretion of the doctor performing the procedure. Most doctors, though, are leery of doing anything to affect the fertility of someone who hasn’t reproduced. Lawsuits and all, donchaknow. I went through three doctors before I found someone willing to even discuss putting in an IUD, even though I’m a nearly ideal candidate, because there’s a small amount of pretty inconclusive research that indicates IUD use in women who have never been pregnant might slightly impair later fertility. (The irony of the situation wasn’t lost on anyone but the doctors in question.) Trying to find a doctor who won’t laugh you out of the office for bringing up sterilization or pat you on the hand and tell you that you’ll change your mind about having children is even harder.

If I’d already had a baby or two, nobody would have any problem sterilizing me or my husband regardless of our ages. If I were 10 years older, I could probably get my tubes tied without having kids first. Besides, sterilization isn’t 100%. It’s damn close, but there’s still the chance of an “oops” pregnancy. The only things that are 100% are castration, ovariohysterectomy, and complete and total abstinence from all forms of sexual contact. Anyone who tells you differently is lying.