I think what many are missing here is that an individual should discuss with their primary physician about their particular dietary requirements. If they can’t reverse the non-injecting type of diabetes though diet, I would seek out other avenues as your food intake can be a huge influence on diabetes and frankly in my opinion (as my father that ignores his physician) could reverse the affects of diabetes if he followed a more strict diet.
With that said, fruit sugars are more easily processed than are refined sugars and your body works with the natural sugars than it will with with a candy bar.
The same goes with other carbs. Your body works harder to break down complex carbs than it will with refined carbs like white flour. While I don’t have “cites” I think that anyone that is in the medical or nutritional field with agree with me.
The more natural the substance (raw, etc.) the better your body will deal with the effects of incorporating complex carbs and natural sugars.
Fruits do aid in digestion, they offer sugars and people need a certain amount of sugars but healthy ones, not ones from eating Tootsie Rolls or M&Ms all day.
Many people can reverse the effects of type II (is that the right one?) by adjusting their diet. The key is to seek out nutritional and physicians that understand this concept and they do that based on the specific situation that a person is in.
Many things need to be considered and even though I am just a person with some knowledge I think it’s a formula that will work for all diabetics.
A food diary for a couple to three weeks maybe even four weeks, a meeting with both a doctor and a nutritionist if at possible the same time may make all the difference in their status as a diabetic.
I do believe that non-insulin shot diabetics can reverse their diabetes through diet and not through drugs. I have my own experience through my grandfather, grandmother and now my father. All three of which decided to take the road (thankfully my dad is still alive) of I will do as I please rather than fight for the idea of being healthy.
Simple dietary changes can make the difference between life and death in many ailments. Fruit just doesn’t seem to aggravate (sp) as much for the diabetic but the simple sugars do.
But then again, I am just a person and not a physician.