Why are people so catty?

I have often decided not to post on Forums because of the pseudo-flame wars one can get into.

So why do people get so catty with so little actual need? I’m not talking about fair arguments, I’m talking about the bitty, pithy and catty language that some arguments develop into.

It is difficult to answer such an amphibolous question, but in general, some people perceive being mistaken as somehow injurious to their psyche. Without formal logic training, they raise straw men and red herrings and typically “shift” an argument as proof of their error descends upon them. When cornered, they resort to ad hominem. They value perception over reality, and victory over truth.

I’m thinking this would do better in MPSIMS.

  • Jill

Hi kendo and welcome!

I think another reason people are rude is that in these forums (or fora) we’re not face-to-face, and some people feel freed from responsibility for their rudeness, or nasty remarks. Tney wouldn’t say it if sitting across a table from someone. I’ve certainly been guilty of that.

But also sometimes there are just jerks around. Don’t let them put you off. Post anyway, and if your stuff is original, well-thought out and you do the proper research, you’ll always have defenders.

Good on ya mate!

Redboss in Oz

Every so often, when you think all is callous dross, you get to read very cool posts like that of Libertarian above.

It makes it worthwhile. Long may it continue!

It costs me absolutely nothing to use reason and manners in my life’s conversation, both on and off line.

Libertarian’s comment of

is first cousin to a lesson I have been teaching my kid, just more perfectly said.