Why are people taller today than in the past?

I wonder about hormones and hormone-like compunds.

It seems everyone I know with teenagers has kids who are taller than they are. Same thing is happening in our family.

I don’t feel like we were starved growing up. In fact, we were ordered to “clean our plates”, something we don’t ask of our kids.

Dairy Products.

Increased intake of calcium and phosphorous increasing bone mass.

I’m taller than I was in the past. I was quite short as a young kid.

I’m not sure what you’re asking.

My point is that people are generally taller today because people are generally eating a better diet.

I don’t think the specifics of the current western diet are especially relevant unless you’re comparing it to the average western diet of 1800. I’m afraid I don’t have the time or inclination to do that research.

Some of the people above said western diet is really really really bad.

I think he saying high protein and little fruit and vegetables that western have.

Are you Dutch? They really tall but very skinny. A really short feet than people else where.

The terrifying stairs.:eek::eek:

Impossibly steep stairs (aka: the death “trap

sweat209 writes:

> Why are black guys so much taller than black girls? Some black guys are even at 6
> foot tall or even higher. Yes Black people in The US.

Do you ever bother to look anything up? This is wrong. The difference between average male height and average female height is almost exactly the same for blacks, Hispanics, and non-Hispanic whites in the U.S. It’s about 7 or 8% difference in each case. In fact, in nearly every country in the world the ratio of average male height to average female height is such that the males are about 7 to 8% taller:

Not quite sure where you’re going with the stairs thing, but the steepness of the staircases in Amsterdam canalside houses has nothing to do with the height of the population, and everything to do with history; houses were taxed on their width, which led to a preponderance of tall, skinny buildings, which in turn necessitated steeper-pitched staircases.

No what I was trying to say is you don’t really see a lot of tall 6 foot tall black girls or taller than that like you do white girls or the Dutch people.

If you looking at average white girl height and average black girls height than you probably right they look closer in height.

But than there are some really tall white girls 6 feet tall or more that I just don’t really see many black girls that tall.

sweat209 writes:

> No what I was trying to say is you don’t really see a lot of tall 6 foot tall black girls
> or taller than that like you do white girls or the Dutch people.

Do you actually have any statistics showing that there are proportionally much fewer very tall black women than very tall white women? The statistics say that the difference between the average height of white and black women in the U.S. is very small. On average white American women are a fraction of an inch taller than average black American women. Do you ever bother to look up statistics at all? I obviously can’t argue with your random personal observations.

Of course there are black peoples that average noticeably taller than either American set.

I’m not sure you are very good at estimating heights, since you seem shocked to realize that there are African-American males who are over six feet.

Take a look at the WNBA - the league is full of tall black women. Your personal observations aren’t much use in this discussion.

The section on the history of human height is interesting: