I was in line at the airport baggage check-in yesterday. In front of us was an older man, and in front of him were some 20-somethings, many with multiple suitcases.
At least 2-3 times, he turned around and chuckled at us, shook his head in disbelief, and asked “why do they have to carry so much luggage?” “Where are they going that they need all that luggage?”
He also proudly pointed out he was checking in one bag.
Maybe he was annoyed because he felt the people in front of him were holding up the line checking in their luggage, though frankly, the service was very fast, and the line was not long. After the fourth time making what by then was getting to be a boring and dull observation, I very subtly pointed out that the passengers were carrying passports, and perhaps they were going to out of the country for a long time, hence all the extra luggage. He made one more “ho ho ho, but does she really need all those suitcases” comment, then that was that.
I bring this up because there have been countless times where I have gone on trips, and had another member of the traveling party, or someone from my company, proudly point out how small HIS luggage was, and how huge my suitcase was (I never bring anything more than one check-in bag, and one carry-on). My father-in-law has done this to me, too. The accuser is always male.
Now, I admit, I am not the world’s most efficient packer. I like to bring lots of books and travel with work to complete while on the road.
I also admit I am slightly neurotic (or SENSIBLE?) in that I often bring an extra set of clothes for business trips, “just in case”, such as something spills on a shirt, or I find a hole in my pants, and need to wear something else rather than be humiliated and have my career ruined by wearing faulty clothing while doing a presentation. I guess I’m a “better safe than sorry” packer, and would rather carry a little extra clothing with me for a trip than realize on the last day I don’t have a clean shirt to wear.
I’m certainly no Imelda Marcos, carrying along hundred of pairs of shoes in 3 suitcases for a 2 night trip or anything like that, but I do tend to overpack.
But I carry my gear. I am willing to tip a little extra to the Skycap or the shuttle driver if I’m carrying an especially heavy load.
Here’s my question: why do so many people care so much? I realize some of it is good natured ball breaking, but there’s always a little truth behind a joke.
I mean, is it considered “macho” to travel with a as little luggage as possible? Do you get annoyed by people that carry more luggage than you? If so, why does it bother you that much?
Please advise.