So I get the impression that your actual stereotypical stoner is a bit thin – like Jay from Jay & Silent Bob and the guy from The Onion who says ‘it’s a long time since I rapped at ya’.
However, another stereotype is that stoners smoke a lot of weed then go out and eat a load of calorie-ridden junk food.
How are we to reconcile these seemingly entirely uncoordinated differences?
By not relying on stereotypes, and getting some data. Unfortunately, it’s probably not easy to come by, but anecdotally, I knew plenty of tokers back in college who put on weight.
I’d say that they are naturally skinny folks, and smoke grass partly due to a need to “chill out.” (only one possible explanation) Chills the mental aspects, not the metabolism.
It certainly never helped me lose any weight! (If I had done such things of course ) Munchies can be overcome through “training.” Just trust me on this one.
I think that the stoners in question are simply young enough to still have the metabolism to burn off all those munchies. Once they get a little older, those midnight bowls of Froot Loops start sticking to the dunlap.
Point of clarification: Does use of the term stoners in the OP’s question refer exclusively to ‘marijuana smokers’ or ‘people who use illegal drugs?’ A walk through NYC’s East Village/Alphabet City is visual evidence that heroin use either increases metabolism or supresses apetite
I was young, poor, ate three square meals a day but laid off the fatty foods, rode my bike, walked, and hiked a lot. My farts were downright oppressive, though. Must have been the eggs.