Please critique the following simple analogies
We have a toy nation with three citizens. Farmer creates four apples a day. Builder creates apple sculptures. Hippie sleeps all day.
Each citizen requires one apple a day to survive, but likes it if they can have more.
However Farmer likes sculptures more than he likes having more apples to eat.
And Builder keeps a fraction of each apple he sculpts and eats it, which he enjoys more than having his sculptures.
ALSO it is actually possible for the three by agreement simply to create an apple out of nothing. Just as edible and sculptable as the ones Farmer grows.
I envision three possible systems:
System A:
No taxes, and no apple creation because no one finds it in their individual interest to agree to it. So, farmer charges whatver he wants, builder charges whatever he wants, hippie dies while farmer and builder trade apples for sculptures at a rate pleasing to both.
System B:
The three have agreed to put three of Farmer’s apples each day into the community pot. And each citizen has a right to one apple a day from the community pot. Meanwhile, farmer and builder trade that extra grown apple for sculptures, and hippie lives to nap.
System C:
They agree to just have three apples created each day. Each of them eats every day as a result, so hippie survives, and farmer and builder trade apples for sculptures.
System C is almost completely disanalogous to anything in reality of course, because you can’t eat fiat currency! But we can imagine Farmer and Builder might get super bored with the whole sculpture trade much more quickly when they’re doing three a day instead of one a day. This is like inflation I think?
So I imagine a system D, which introduces scarcity. Sometimes Farmer ends up with only three apples. Sometimes with five.
System D:
Three of farmer’s apples go into the pot each day. BUT on those days when he only grows three apples, and ONLY THEN, they have agreed to create a fiat apple. It is specially apportioned to Farmer out of the pot, and the other three in the pot are distributed to the three citizes as per system B above. However in exchange for this special right to the fiat apple, Farmer is required, on the days he manages to grow five apples instead of four, to give the extra apple to the pot and it is specially apportioned to Builder, who can do whatever he wants with it. (Because Builder demanded this extra occasional apple in order to agree to Farmer getting the fiat apples.)
I think (?) this is kind of a picture of deficit spending in times of scarcity etc?
I can imagine a system E much like D but in which the extra fifth apple is simply destroyed, preventing the inflation that occurs in D (which was not as bad as in C but which still existed) at the cost of a seeminly senseless destruction of a resource. I suppose this is like what I remember reading about in Grapes of Wrath with crops being burned to lower the supply?