Why aren't transparent ammo magazines

Yes. It’s actually an interestingly relevant picture, because he is using a G36C which uses fully clear magazines. The German-made factory magazines look like this:

Fully clear plastic.

But he is using American-made PMAGs which only have small window to see the round count. These:

NETA: When you mentioned “German SWAT” and clear magazine, I had no doubt that I would find a picture of a G36 at the link. But I did not expect to see PMAGs.

Any guess why?

I’m sure political and budgetary infighting is tremendous, of course, so you’ll never really know…

The magazines on the F88 Austeyr (the standard-issue Australian military rifle) are semi-transparent.

AND: Plastics are orders of magnitude softer that most metals and could leave debris in the gun mechanism and get damaged upon insertion. Deburring all the parts to prevent abrasion could be difficult. Glass, carbon, or carbon fiber filled plastics could CAUSE metal abrasion from their filler particles. Finally, clear plastics are generally more UV sensitive and break down in sunlight. Fillers, coloring, or black carbon powder are added to most plastic to reduce UV damage and give strength.