Why cell phones on waist, no pockets to put it in?

What is this ? The Week of the Dork ?

But what if Superman wanted to make a cellphone call while paying for gas ? Can he reverse time, make the call, pay for the gas, and then fly around the earth a few times ? Is that allowed ? :rolleyes:

Lots of us have problems fitting anything besides our tremendously large members in our pants. Thus the advent of the cellphone belt clip.

Well the thugs around here wear em for show. I’m sure those gold toothed homies really use those two-ways to send in their stock orders, but they seem to attract the honeys as well.

Another occasional belt-clipper. If I put it in my pants pocket, it would break when I sat down, so whenever I wear a T-shirt I clip it to my belt. Since mine’s an old giveaway model, I can hardly imagine anyone being impressed with it.

Pocket Protectors, though, are the ultimate in studliness.

Front left pants pocket and I hate it. It fits comfortably and I lost one clipped on the belt once. My cellphone IS NOT a status symbol. It is a GIGANTIC PAIN IN THE ASS! :slight_smile:

Whenever I expect my cell phone to ring, I wear it clipped to my jeans pocket to minimize fumbling, so an electronic version of “Ode to Joy” doesn’t annoy the people around me any more than absolutely necessary.

If I’m wearing a jacket or carrying my backpack, I’ll keep it in a pocket or a side compartment.

Maybe, but you’d be more important if you had two sheds. Then we could call you Diane “Two Sheds” Jackson.

That would be cool.

I lost a cell phone recently while traveling. It was in my pants pocket, meaning I couldn’t sit comfortably, so I took it out and (like an idiot) left it lying on the seat of the taxi. Next thing you know, I was cursing a blue streak all the way through the Las Vegas airport. The person who found it made a few phone calls before I could get it shut off, too.

When I replaced it, the first thing I did was buy a belt clip. I could give a fig less if I look like a snob or an idiot. I’m not really in the mood to replace a $100 cell phone because I’m pocketless today (and I don’t carry a purse).

Although, come to think of it, when I lost the last one I got a couple of cellphone-call-free days, meaning my boss couldn’t reach me when I wasn’t at the office or home. Pure bliss!

Nah, but I’ll bet it makes Dandmb50 twice as jealous!

Seriously- I can’t imagine putting a cell phone in my pants pocket. Shit, I’m lucky to get them zipped most days- I can’t even slip a quarter in the pocket unless I do squats first.
Belt clip or purse.

I have 3 whole cell phones and 1 that is in 3 pieces.

Phone #1 A big bulky Airtouch cell phone that is the same size as my cordless phone. I think I am going to give it to one of those places that fix them up to call 911 and give them to battered women’s shelters or something like that.

I needed a bigger purse to carry that thing in.

Phones#2&3 are Nokia prepay phones. One is my husbands and the other is my old one that I gave to our son when I bought my new one. (yes we had matching cell phones how pukey-cute is that?).

I carry these either in my purse or jacket pocket.

Phone #4 is my Sprint PCS phone that I paid $175 dollars for six weeks ago. I was absolutely enchanted by how it was so small, dainty and so fucking cute I almost couldn’t stand it. I had left it in my son’s car when he gave me a ride to work and he had it in his pocket when he totalled his car. It is in three pieces now. It still turns on but the LED screen is no longer attached. Sprint although very sorry about my luck and glad that my son is alive will not reimburse me. Oh and Eric only had liability on his car so I can’t make an insurance claim.

I carried this little beauty in my pants pocket.

I carry my work cell phone in the front pocket of my scrub top.

I don’t have a problem with others having their cell clipped to their waistband but I really don’t need any more bulk in that area. The look that I despise is the low riding jeans paired with a thong used as a cell phone holder.

Somehow, with your choice of username, I have doubts about the quality of your buns.
Anyway I wear my phone on my belt because Captain Kirk didn’t put his communicator in his pocket and if it’s good enough for Kirk, it’s good enough for me.

My pockets are already filled with candy for the kids at the bus stop.

I mean really, what a tremendously week rant. I must own a briefcase to feel important, better stuff that fucker down my pants as well. Rim pager? Pants. Laptop? Pants. And I’ll strap my watch to my willie to keep from appearing too ostentatious.

Perhaps the OP should unzip his fly, it’s difficult to see with your head tucked neatly into your trousers.

We superhero types need to have a utility belt to carry all our essential tools like our cel-phones, mag lites, and leathermans…

But seriously, my phone is an older model which isn’t suited for my pocket because of it’s size. The belt pouch works great in keeping it both handy and out of my way.

Nothing pretentious in that is there?

Personally, I consider it the more daring fashion statement to NOT own a cell phone.

'Round my neck of the woods, the western suburbs of Orlando, Florida, the population is dominated by those working in the building and mechanical trades. Practically every blue collar Billy Joe carrys a Nextel/Motorola iDEN phone 24/7. The grunts don’t have compact Nextels … the phones are usually hulking retro-bricks that don’t fit in shirt or pants pockets. Thus, the belt clips.

My co-worker wears his cellphone on his belt, but he also wears a leatherman (one of those multi-tools) in a little pouch on his belt too. I think he does it because it makes him feel like Batman.

If I had a cellphone, that’s why I’d do it.

Of course, I don’t have a phone, because I’m a tightwad, no one would call me anyway, and if someone does want to get in touch they can bloody e-mail and I’ll answer when I feel like it. :slight_smile:

I started wearing mine on my belt when living in Venezuela, because everyone did it, and I act like a sheep when living in foreign countries. Everyone has them there - there’s no way it could still be considered a status symbol. I got it stolen off my belt, so that was to end of that.

Women rarely have pockets large enough to fit them. And as FCM points out, you often won’t hear the ring if it’s in your purse.