My understanding of how Christianity became the world’s dominant faith is basically this.
In Judea after the Romans conquered it, a lot of Jews were motivated by nationalism and religious fervor to kick the Romans out. Jesus was just one of probably hundreds if not thousands of Jews who did this. He had a religion made after him.
Then in 312 CE the Roman emperor Constantine converted to chrisitanity. This made christianity more mainstream in the Roman empire.
Then in the late 4th century, the Roman emperor Theodosius made christianity the official religion of the roman empire, suppressing other religions.
The Roman empire eventually broke up, and part of it became western europe.
Starting in the 15th century, western europe started engaging in the age of discovery where they ‘discovered’ and colonized other nations. They brought their religion with them, spreading christianity all over the world. Due to their military supremacy they had the ability to do this.
What I’m wondering is why did some areas conquered adopt christianity but not others?
For example, southern Africa is mostly christian. So is latin America. But India was conquered by the British and it is still Hindu. The middle east was conquered by the west but they are still muslim. However I think that conquest didn’t happen until the Ottoman empire lost ww1, and by that post-enlightment period I doubt the west cared about spreading christianity.
Meanwhile Spain was conquered by the muslims and I think held by Muslim conquered for 5 centuries, but they are still christian there.
So why do some areas conquered by the west become christian but not others?
Why did the european parts of the roman empire remain christian while the eastern parts of the empire became Islamic? I know Islam wasn’t created until after Christianity, so I’m guessing thats part. But why was christianity able to conquer the faiths of europe, but islam was able to conquer christianity in the middle east?
Also why are areas like India still hindu while in latin America almost everyone is Christian? Both were conquered by the west.