Why did the media "cry wolf" about Trump's Mt. Rushmore speech when there are so many real wolves out there?

And that’s why ‘dog whistles’ still work!

Yes, this exactly. There is no need to go hyperbolic on every single thing he does or says, when he is, as I say, such a “target rich environment”. It just gives his defenders more ammunition to make people think the media is constantly lying about Trump, so when they actually do have him dead to rights (which is often!) they are more likely to disregard it.

Dogwhistles can be very annoying, but it’s generally a political mistake to call them out. If you can’t prove the content is what you are saying it is (and by definition, if it’s a dogwhistle you cannot), you are on shaky ground in the debate, and there are actually literalminded people out there who will think you are just wrong and making stuff up (they are not the ones the dogwhistles are aimed at, obviously, but they can be collateral damage). It’s frustrating, I understand; but one “good” thing about Trump is that most of the time (when he’s not reading a prepared speech), he uses a bullhorn rather than a dogwhistle. Then he makes weak protestations that he was “joking” or “being sarcastic” that no one believes.

And I agree 100% that this post, in isolation, looks like concern trolling. But, looking at the quality of his posts in the past, this is typical.

He doesn’t GET why they object.

He actually has a valid point here, but he can’t make it because he lacks the understanding of why people do react the way they do. He just thinks everyone else is stupid.

Or the media in this case.

As I noticed early, it was telling that SlackerInc did not link to what made him clutch his pearls.

He finally did cite (again with no links) very plain parts of the speech making it look as if there was noting there for media like CNN to complain abut. I was expecting that there was a reason to avoid linking to the offensive reporting, and now that we have an article we can check what was not mentioned in the thread:


9. “In our schools, our newsrooms, even our corporate boardrooms, there is a new far left fascism that demands absolute allegiance.”

I looked up the definition of “fascism.” It’s this: “A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.” Which, well, uh…

10. “This left-wing cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the American Revolution.”

This feels a little – maybe slightly – overdone?

11. “The violent mayhem we have seen in the streets and cities that are run by liberal Democrats in every case is the predictable result of years of extreme indoctrination and bias in education, journalism, and other cultural institutions.”

Make no mistake: This is the language of a full-out culture war. And Trump is stoking it because he believes doing so gives him the best chance to win a second term.

12. “Our children are taught in school to hate their own country and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes, but that were villains.”

I took a peek at the my kids’ curriculum just to double check this so I can now officially say there is nothing in there about hating America.

So, yeah, those are very rotten things for the president to say, and before and more after, Trump is using a lot of that rhetoric as support for his threat to defund schools because they are not teaching the “right” thing, and still tries to equate all liberals and moderates protesting peacefully with rioters.

And there was another item from Trump that putted the thing in context too:

We settled the Wild West

What you mean ’ we ,’ kemosabe ? Really, it was a painful omission to not differentiate the heroes from the traitors or genocidal conquerors, there was no effort to point out that making monuments to confederates is nothing good or inspiring.

TL; DR the whole thread.

Is Slacker trying to convince everyone he isn’t a concern troll and really really is a liberal? That’s usually what happens to his threads that are in the Pit. I mean, we can all see that he’s a conservative concern troll. He’s also a terrible liar.

You’re an idiot, And your theory makes no sense. But of course what’s really going on is that you are still butthurt because I called you out on your bogus claim that you predicted Trump’s victory (when what actually happened is that you predicted it both ways at different times and then claimed credit for the one that turned out right, which you were guaranteed to be able to do no matter what happened, lol).

I had some links saved which demonstrated how stupid this theory is, but now none of them work. Is there any way to convert links to the new site?

ETA: I am a bad liar though, which is why I don’t lie on this board. If I did, you would be able to find all kinds of inconsistencies in details of my life I have talked about.

So… you can’t bluff?

Unless of course you think I have some sort of insanely huge and detailed continuity bible like a script supervisor on a TV series. If so, you seriously need to get a grip. To what end?

LOL, ask Manson.

ETA: Or find out for yourself this Wednesday at eight Eastern, at our first official weekly Memeing Tillions poker game. Manson came up with the name, which I really like despite whatever nonsense he has to say about strippers.

You have zero credibility on this board. Ask around.

I do apologize for leaving out “racist” in my previous description of you. Sorry about that.

Here’s where you predicted Trump would win, in March 2016: I predict that Donald Trump is going to win the election for POTUS this year.
Here’s you in the same thread in October 2016, saying you had changed your mind and now believed Hillary Clinton would win: I predict that Donald Trump is going to win the election for POTUS this year. - #247 by Snowboarder_Bo

Only four posts, and 19 days later, you had the chutzpah to crow “I was right!”, as though people couldn’t see that you had changed your prediction just above that: I predict that Donald Trump is going to win the election for POTUS this year. - #251 by Snowboarder_Bo

But you did manage to get several people crediting you for the prediction until I and one other poster called you out on it. Your response? “That doesn’t change the fact that what I wrote way back in March was correct. My analysis was correct, even if later events had me thinking differently.” :roll_eyes:

As I pointed out in the thread, “If there are two possibilities, and you predict A, then later B, at most you can take credit for predicting B, since the later prediction is understood to supersede the earlier one. But to grant credit when A comes true after all, is to be very generous…or a sucker.”

So I would suggest worrying about your own credibility before you start talking about mine. :thinking: But of course you have noticeably had a chip on your shoulder toward me ever since I called you out on that.

BTW, in that same thread I predicted a big Hillary Clinton win, and then lamented later on that “I was wrong to have so much faith in humanity.” I guess that was all part of my deep cover to set the table for…something? Years later? Even though I have made it clear over the years that I pride myself on making accurate political predictions?

Speaking of crying wolf. As if we needed more proof that SlackWit is a concern troll:

Fuck off, SlackWit, you disingenuous sack of shit.

Let’s see if we can calibrate that broken (or at least hopelessly binary) political radar of yours.

Politicians I have consistently lambasted:

—Trump, Yoho, Gaetz, various other Republicans (although not Mitt Romney, at least not recently)
—Bernie, AOC, Ilhan Omar

Politicians towards whom I have consistently expressed warm feelings:

—Nancy Pelosi
—Hillary Clinton
—Barack Obama
—Chuck Schumer
—Steve Bullock

What does that tell you about the contours of my political affiliation? (Hint: it rhymes with “schmenter-schmeft”.)

You’re just exhausting and lame. Mostly just exhausting.

Are you aware that threads have an unsubscribe feature? Also, pro tip: when you see a new thread on the list, it lists the author of the OP. If it’s by someone who “exhausts” you (sounds like you should look into getting yourself a fainting couch!), you’re allowed to, you know, not open the thread and maybe try a different one out of the myriad others available. HTH

It’s not like I swarm all over a million threads in this place to where you can’t get away from me. I have not investigated this systematically, but I would wager a guess that my ratio of (number of threads participating in)/(total posts) is likely one of the lowest you will find on this board. In plain language, I don’t post at all on the vast, vast majority of threads in this place, and since (being a narcissist and all) most of my posts are made in threads where I am the OP, I don’t post much at all on the rest of the board. So if you have a problem, maybe take a look in the mirror? Just sayin’. :face_with_monocle:

Yeah, you do, exhaustingly. Just saying.
By the rules, you are allowed to, but by the same rules you have to listen to people telling you that you are being exhausting. Here it is from me: you are more often than not exhausting.

I think that is a very fine suggestion for you to take: look in the mirror. :face_with_monocle:

Again: you’re entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts. In the past week, I have posted in a whopping total of two threads I didn’t create. There are hundreds of active threads on the board. Do the math. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And–how could I forget?–Elizabeth Warren! (The point still stands.)

The math I did was how many individual posts you did cumulatively within threads you were active in. It’s often numerically a lot within a short length of time. People are trying to tell you how they experience your posting. Listen or not.

How does this in any way negate what I posted and which you claimed was wrong? Skip posts I start (which wouldn’t obviously exist if I weren’t on this board), and I post very little. In those few threads not my own I do post in, you can unsubscribe or just block me. This isn’t hard, and your feedback is entirely beside the point.

Again, if I swooped in and replied in dozens of different threads, as some do, and derailed those discussions, you might have a smidgen of a point; but as I post very selectively in a few threads and mostly ones I start, you really just don’t.