Why did the security speak a number into his talkie after he checked my ID?

I do wonder if the security guard’s code was to alert his colleagues to the presence of a hot female, so they could do some ogling.

It means trouble, is what.

That’s almost twice as bad as a 187

361 is the casino code for “Paranoid customer detected. I am going to make him panic by using an obscure code.”

Roger that. Dispatching MIB.

It could also be that he’s supposed to report in every so often how many people have come in since last he reported, or what the current occupancy is, taking into account people entering and leaving. In which case it might not be a code at all, just a number.

We’ll often grab a harmless dork’s license and act all macho, then hand it back and call in a 361 (code for “harmless dork”).