Why did you fail your driver's test?

Admit it. Nothing to be ashamed of. Lots of people screw up the first time around. Including me.

In the California driver’s test, you start with 100 points, and every time you make an error, they take off a point. To pass the test, you need to complete the exam with at least 80 points. First time I took it, I had 85, but I still failed, because I made a Critical Error, ie, automatic failure. For what?

I didn’t look over my shoulder when I pulled into the bike lane to make a right turn.

Apparently, I could have hit a biker in the lane. My argument that I would have seen the hypothetical biker when I had passed it a few seconds earlier made no impression on the examiner.

The next time I took the test, I looked so carefully over my shoulder that I went several feet into the crosswalk. (I passed anyway.)

Yep, I failed the first one.

Didn’t come to a complete stop at the stop sign.

Man, did I feel like an idiot.

My first test, I was stopped at a red light on the highway, waiting to make a right turn. In the state it is legal to make a right on red, but I still hesitated. I debated whether to turn or wait for the green, and in time I decided to go for it. I slowly pulled out onto the highway, and almost got creamed by an oncoming car. I learned a lot about judging traffic speed that day, but sadly failed my test. I took it again a few weeks later and passed with a 71 (70 was passing). I have been accident free for almost 20 years, but speeding tickets plagued me when I was younger.

No sleep and a terrible heartburn…

It was my written test, it was sheduled for shortly after noon, so when I went to bed at 5 am I thought I had a lot of time to sleep, get ready, do the test…

At 7 am a friend rang me with a serious problem, not one to let a friend hang I went out to help him, when it turned noon I was terrible overtired and as result had a heartburn like hell.
Missed the test by one meager point, got chewed out by my driving instructor, took the test next time round and passed flawlessy ;).

Parallel parking. I passed the second time. Now they don’t require it, and thankfully, where I live, it isn’t much of an issue.

I didn’t even get to the dang test. I failed Driver’s Ed. But there’s a good reason.

My grandpa took me down to get my permit. Now, my grandparents had raised me, so he was planning on signing for me. Well, the officers wouldn’t let him sign, saying he was not my legal guardian. They told him my mother had to sign for me.

She refused. She didn’t have her license, and saw no reason I should have one. Of course, she also told me she didn’t see why I was studying so hard in school, or why I went to college, cause I was just going to whore around and get knocked up or something like that.

So, since I couldn’t get my permit, I failed Driver’s Ed. Luckily, I had a wonderfully understanding guidance counselor, who had it removed from my high school records.

The local DPS had a tester named Fallus (no, I’m not kidding), and this guy was a real dick. He was something of a legend
around the high school for never passing teens. I went for my test, and guess who I got… yeppers.
So, he’s nickle and diming me with stupid stuff like “looks like your bumper is intersecting the line of the stop sign, that’s
a point off”. But the show stopper came near the end when I pulled out of a parking lot into the street. Before I exited,
I looked down the street, and the only traffic was a vette stopped at a stop sign a block away. No prob, plenty of time,
especially since this was just a 30 mph street. I exit and start up the street, only to see this guy coming up fast in my
rearview. He zips around me, doing about 80, and is soon out of sight. Officer Dickhead’s reaction? “Failure to allow for
traffic” and knocking off about 15-20 points. Gee, guess when I adjusted my mirrors, I should have also adjusted my psychic
sense so I would have known vetteboy was planning on nearly trippling the speed limit.
After the test, Fallus was adding up the totals with smirk, when suddenly his little smile disappeared. I could tell he was
readding and readding the numbers in his head, till finally he handed me my copy while giving me a seriously angry scowl.
Guess he should have kept a better running total in his head - I passed with a 71.

I’ve never failed it…unlike my girlfriend who has failed it like three times in a row now…BWAHAHAHAHA!!!


I never failed it, even though everyone who’s heard about it feels I should have.

  1. Driving with the parking brake on.
  2. Driving to close to parked cars. (“Jason, you might want to move over a few metres, you almost hit that guy’s door handle.”)
  3. Driving in the lane of oncoming traffic, in the presence of oncoming traffic.

To be fair, if I got one more demerit I would’ve failed, but some people just thought I deserved to fail outright.

I’ve been in three accidents, and each time it was while my car wasn’t moving. The last time I was stopped at some traffic lights when the woman idling behind me suddenly accelerated, smashing into me.

I jumped out of the car and she ran over. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry, I thought you were going!”

I waved at the traffic signal, confused and dizzy. “It’s still red!”

She tried to seduce her way out of it, but I wasn’t interested. My girlfriend, in the passenger seat of my car, thought this was hilarious to see.

Hard luck all you suckers! nyaaah nyaaah nyaaah, passed first time, and the UK bike test is considered to be very much harder that the car test, and when you see the muppets taking up good road space in their cages like mobile accident scenes looking for somewhere to occur you just know it has to be true.

I didn’t fail, but I came close. I was supposed to with my Driver’s Ed instructor three times, for whatever reason, I don’t know. Anyway, after the second hour session he pulled me aside and said, “You need to practice this weekend. A lot. If you don’t, you’ll fail.” So Dad took me out and I swear, we drove 200 miles that weekend. But I passed the test on Monday.

I almost failed the written test too because of a damn tractor question. “Do people who drive tractors need a liscense?” Of course I marked “yes” because I saw tractors on the road all the time. I didn’t realize that they meant tractors in the field, in which case the answer is “no”. :rolleyes: We were living in a farming community in Utah, I think they should have been more specific about where exactly the tractors were.

Well, the first time - someone parked way too close to my car at a weird angle. The test perosncould barely open the door to get in. And given the complications of my nervousness and lack of skill, no way was I getting my car out of the dept. of licensing parking lot without hitting that stupidly parked car (it would have taken tiny little forward/reverse/forward/reverse/forward/reverse moves for days.) So yes, I very lightly tapped a car backing out of the space before the test even started. Instant fail.

The second & third times, I apparently made left turns too close to oncoming cars (I didn’t see the problem, the turns were entirely safe and since then, I’ve made much closer calls) but it was bad enough for the tester to consider it “Dangerous Action” so I failed.

Finally - my dad took me to the testing center way out in the middle of nowhere - during the test I only saw one other moving car, and I had 3 car lengths in which to manage to parallel park…passed that one.

Boscibo [Hijack] I asked my driving instructor about that, because we are allowed to right turn on red too. He said flat out, “Don’t do it. You will not be knocked down any points for NOT doing it, but everyone who tries it on their test does it wrong.” [end Hijack]

I passed. the first time. I did lose two or three points for not pumping my brakes three times before commencing the parallel parking. Yeah. THAT’S a skill I’ll need on the road. :rolleyes:

When I started my road test the car was parked under a stop sign, exactly at the corner - I couldn’t roll out into the street and then stop, because there wasn’t any space between the front of the car and the cross-street in which I could’ve pulled out into my own lane. So I got in the car, turned it on, looked both ways and drove.

The guy gave me an automatic fail for not stopping at that stop sign.

I argued with him. “Dude, I was stopped at that stop sign from the minute I got in the car. The car could not possibly have BEEN any MORE stopped at that stop sign, it was PARKED EXACTLY AT THE STOP LINE!”

No dice. I had to take it again. The second time I passed with flying colors - the only thing I messed up on was the parallel park, but the instructor (a different one this time) was kind to me, because I was taking the test with my mother’s big full-size van, which is hard to park even when you’re not a n00b.

If I had to wager on why I passed I would probably bet on the fact that my driving test consisted of:

Pulling out of the parking lot
Driving literally about 100 feet down the road
Doing a three-point turn
Going back to the parking lot where the instructor said “let’s go get your license”

No parallel parking, no stoplights or stopsigns. Nothing.

I failed to yield when there was no oncoming traffic. I think it’s the principle of the thing. Whatever. I got my license two months later and it didn’t really affecy my life either way:)

I did the three point turn (in a standard) without using the brake pedal to stop, just caught 1st while rolling backward and pulled the car forward as a sort of ride on the clutch. Fail.

I’ve never failed a driving test, written or practical. But Mrs. ShibbOleth is good at failing them, I think she has test anxiety. In Germany they have a very difficult written and practical exam. On the written I think there are 20 questions, multiple choice, often with tricky answers. You can miss three. And it costs a ton of money, upwards of $1,000-2,000 to take, which includes some mandatory lessons and “materials”. Surprisingly Mrs. Shibb passed the written on the first try. Then she went out to drive with the instructor and the examiner and another student. She did fine, the examiner told her she had passed, could she please pull over so the next student could have his turn to drive. When she went to pull over she was behind a large truck and didn’t see that she was following it through a red light until too late. Immediate failure, mandatory three weeks waiting period before retest.

When I went out on my driving test they seemed to have it in for the Turkish guy who was trying to regain his license which had been revoked for violations. The examiner was much tougher on him, then told him to pull over, he failed him on some fairly picky stuff. We left off the examiner to watch some other guy take a motorcycle test. Then the instructor and the examiner got in a big fight, yelling and cursing at each other. Lots of fireworks. Ironically the instructor was so upset by all of this that he almost ran over a bicyclist pulling out of the parking lot. He would have if I hadn’t yelled to get his attention. What a crazy place.

I had a friend who took the test the day he turned 18. As expected, he passed with flying colours all the way until the end. They got back to the office and the tester leaned forward to congratulate my mate and shake his hand… no seat belt, instant fail, terribly sorry, better luck next time.

I had the test passed, only a few points off, when I pulled up to let the examiner out of the car. Unfortunately, my foot slipped off the brake, allowing the car to move forward about 3 inches before I could stop it. More unfortunately, the examiner was getting out of the car at the time. :frowning: Instant fail.

I did pass it the next time.