Have you ever microwaved peas-n-carrots (the ones in the frozen veggie aisle)?
Have you ever noticed that the carrots spark and/or flame after about 10 seconds!!?? Just the carrots, not the peas!
I feel like I am watching Illuminations @ EPCOT or something. Blueish-white lights sparkle and pop all over the place! Little yellow flames streak up at various locations! It’s crazy!!
When you take them out, some of the carrots even have burn marks on them! This is unfortunate because my two year old will not eat the carrots that have these small burn marks, so I have to go through and manually remove these carrots, or deviously “scratch off” the burn marks. What a pain!
My wife and I have noticed this happening on various power levels, not just High, it just takes a little longer for the sparks and/or flames to occur. We have even noticed this phenomenon on different microwaves (my mother-in-laws and various friends), so it’s not something restricted to just our microwave. And again, we have not noticed this happening with ANY other veggies! Just carrots! It doesn’t matter what temperature they are either, frozen, refrigerator temperature, or room temperature, the sparks and/or flames will always occur!
Well they don’t really “go up in flames” so to speak. Just little, random flames here and there.
I’m pretty sure this only applies to frozen carrots. Fresh, non-frozen carrots do not flame and/or spark. I think.
Carine: Buy some frozen carrots from the store and try it.
Also, disregard the “Testy” at the bottom of my OP. I posted this on another message board, where my handle is “Testudo”. “Testy” is my nickname for my handle “Testudo” :blink:
I’ve never seen carrots do that, but if you slice a grape almost in half (with some skin connecting the halves) and place it face-down in the microwave, you can nuke it for 10-20 seconds and get a nice, harmless* fireworks display.
[sub]harmless meaning that it’s never harmed my microwave, after repeated demonstrations. YMMV[/sub]
I love showing that trick to others also, but I have two questions about it. Why does it happen? And why doesn’t it happen sometimes? Like when I’m trying to show it to other people.
(words of caution: it was my understanding that running a microwave with no water content in the cooking chamber was hard on the unit, so should you try this, you may want to have a small glass of water in the back corner. Secondly, a cook time of about 5 seconds is more than enough for the full lightshow; anything longer and the disc will start to smoke bad.)