Yes, I know it is a generalization, but look at George Burns and Bob Hope. Both reached their 100s. Milton Berle and Jack Benny also lived quite long lives. As has Mickey Rooney. Dramatic actors and singers don’t seem to live as long. Any theories?
I suppose I would expect it of dancers, but comics?
The old saying “laughter is the best medicine” may have some truth to it. Although recent studies have begun to disprove the “let a smile be your umbrella” theory, I’d tend to think that comics are more able to shrug off the vicissitudes of everyday life.
I don’t think you can generalize. In some cases, the long lives may have had a connection with their comedy (Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton lived a long time, but they practiced the type of strenuous physical comedy that required tip top physical condition) and, in others, the short lives could probably be ascribed to the stress of performing (which led them to use drugs).
The Marx Brothers all lived to be in their 80s. Henny Youngman was 92 when he died. Moe Horwitz was the oldest of the Stooges, and died of lung cancer at age 77 (I think).
While she was also a fine dramatic actress, Katherine Hepburn’s most notable work are her comedies with Spencer Tracy and she’s STILL around at age 94.
I’ll nitpick a little bit here, only two of the Marx brothers lived into their eighties. Chico Marx was 74 when he died, Harpo was 76, Zeppo was 78.
Groucho was 87 and Gummo 85, for the record.
Don’t hate me because I just did a report on the Marx brothers…