I’m wondering where the crazy woman with cats relation comes from. It seems that most people know at least one old lady in town that seems little off her rocker and who also has 42 cats.
I know I couldn’t be the only one. It’s at least popular enough that the Simpsons has a crazy cat lady.
The Crazy Cat Lady is a stereotype, but there’s a seriously sad and puzzling truth to it. Read here about animal hoarders from the psychological point of view.
Good one, but that’s the point. No single person with so many pets can give them all the care they deserve. And these folks typically live alone as recluses.
If you’re lonely and kind of crazy and hoard animals for companioship, cats are the logical choice, aren’t they? They’re common to the point of being a free resource, as least in terms of acquisition, they’re affectionate, they’re cheap to feed and take care of, and an individual can keep up with a lot of them at least to a certain point. Dogs are far more trouble to take care of.
Not so. Cats are low maintenance. It’s not uncommon for good people who love animals to have many cats for this reason. It’s not too hard to feed them all and keep around a litterbox or two…even if they’re not changed as often as you might prefer.
As for the downtrodden: Many want companionship, and you can’t hug a tank of 42 fish. Also, the multitude of pets may be a manifestation of this loneliness - trying in vain to fill some unsatiable need. You can’t take a vacation from your loneliness. Taking in pet after pet is like trying to fill a bottomless pit…and makes one feel wanted. - Jinx
There’s many, and there’s TOO many - too many being defined as “more than you can take care of.” Cats are low-maintenance, but not no-maintenance. Check out some stories of hoarders sometime - many just leave the kitties to roll in filth, disease and neglect.
Well, you could, but it wouldn’t be a very satisfying experience for you or the fish.
Many of these people don’t bother to get said cats fixed, either, which just means you end up with even MORE cats.
And cats aren’t that low-maitenance-they’re very fussy about their litter boxes. If they aren’t kept clean and scooped daily, most cats stop using them.
I suppose I agree but I don’t know what to make of the fact that you used “kind of crazy” and “logical” in describing the same character. I’m fumbling over that one.