why do elderly people get cold easier than others?

This has probably been asked before but, why do elderly people get cold easier than others?
My father, almost 90, has the heat on.
Today it was 60 I believe.

Also, I have always been colder than others all my life.
Is there a way to change this (diet, vitamins, what?)

Sometimes older people simply have poorer circulation.

A number of things can contribute to feeling cold, one of the chief reasons being poor circulation and low iron in the blood, both of which are common in older people.

If you want to not be cold, I would suggest getting more iron. There’s no guarentee this will keep you from getting cold, but it might help. Also doing things that increase circulation (exercise and the like) might also help, as it builds up your cardiovascular system.

OK folks, let’s get to facts. Rarely is it iron deficiency. Occasionally “poor circulation” may contribute. But most often it’s due to


The article goes on to recommend a minimum ambient temperature of at least 65 degrees fahrenheit for elderly folks, to reduce the risk of hypothermia. Ensuring adequate nutrition, regular exercise, and keeping the head, hands and feet covered are also helpful in retaining heat. And many elderly are on medications which throw off the thermo-regulatory system too.