Why do guys like long hair (on girls) so much?

well, if you want my 2 cents, I think long, soft flowing hair on a woman is sexier and more feminine in 99% of the cases than the same woman with short hair. I do realize it is a lot more work, and if I was seeing a woman with long hair and she got it cut I would not stop seeing her (I’m not THAT shallow), although I would probably be disappointed. It is definitely her decision.

Think it’s a co-incidence most of the models have long hair?

I am one of those with the long luxurious locks. My hair reaches my waist. I can truthfully say that my long hair is beautiful. It is naturally curly and has an incredibly helathy shine that outshines the healthy sheen of almost everyone that I know.
I know for a fact that my SO absolutely adores it.
Hey, when I’m in the female superior position, all I have to do is arch back so that it brushes his legs…
yeah… I have no doubt.


You don’t believe how it looks? Check my BIO pages for pictures of me with my long luxurious locks. Follow the link below.

Because it’s so pretty. What other reason would there be?

Wow! I am surprised that so many posters do like long hair!

Maybe part of other men’s preferences go towards the tendency this last century that women generally have longer hair than men. Maybe on a primitive level, that suggests: “Long hair = more feminine.”

Despite evidence to the contrary, I still believe it depends more on style than length. For instance, I remember seeing a picture of Halle Berry with really short hair on a Maxim cover when they were plugging X-Men and remember thinking “Wow, she’s never looked so good!!”

Personally, the first thing I notice about a girl is her hair, but don’t consider long is better than short or vice-versa. I do, however, highly prefer curls over stright and redheads and brunettes to blondes.

Both are good. Tales of two friends of mine.

The first had long, long hair, down to her butt, for a long time. During sex, she could do exactly this:

Hoo mama mama.

Big drawback: It was really, really easy to accidentally lie on her hair and hurt her. Not good.

Then she had to get it cut for a part in a play. The role? A concentration-camp victim. She went from three-foot hair to shaved head overnight. (Her hair, in a braid, is still in a box at her house, I believe.) She kept it that way for a while, just to be different. Right now she’s got a short bob, and she’s cute as the dickens.

Other friend: She has brilliant red hair. Not strawberry blonde, not auburn, I mean the fiery orange-red that maketh me little heart go pitty-pat. For the longest time, she had a generic straight cut, length variable but usually just off her shoulders. She’s got a cute, round face.

Then one day, just for the hell of it (actually, it was one of those bad-insecure “MUST RADICALLY CHANGE HAIR” days), she got it chopped: tapered in back, inch-long moussed spikes up top. And she went from being cute to hot. Spectacular. First time I saw her, my jaw fell open. Basically, her hair is so brilliant it’s all you really see when you look at her, and the short cut suddenly made it clear how pretty her face is. Unfortunately, I couldn’t convince her how good she looked; she regretted the choice and grew it out as fast as, well, as fast as it would grow.

Female celebrities with short cuts who (IMHO) look weird and/or less attractive with long hair: Winona Ryder and Charlize Theron.

So, again, both. It depends on the person.

I like short hair. The shorter the better. Here in SF most women have short hair. That is a good thing.

I used to have long hair and guys wouldn’t look twice at me. I now have short, spiky blonde hair and now guys won’t STOP checking me out, so it’s obvious that not all guys like long hair.

I’ve also been told that I look thinner with short hair, so I don’t know what spoke- is talking about.