Why is it I (and I’m assuming others) sometimes get a bunch of bubbles when I perform a #1 in the commode and other times I don’t? It’s goes in with the same velocity time and time again, but I get different results. What’s the deal? Does it have something to do with the hardness of the water?
You’re supposed to blow into the straw.
“perform a #1” ???!!!
Around here, where there are predominantly adults, you can say urinate.
“perform a #1” heh heh
But not weewee, peepee, or perform a #1.
And how exactly is that contributing to the question at hand? I guess you just like to see name flash up on the screen. Seventeen hundred posts…I wonder how many actually have any relevance. Next time I’ll be sure to check with you on whether my question is phrased in accordance with the average age of straightdope users.
Here’s a previous thread on the same subject. Hope it helps.
It supports the illusion that we are speaking with other intelligent adults.
I’m not sure why the nasty personal jab is called for. My post was a good-natured little note. Yours, on the other hand, is quite mean-spirited, a quality that is not particularly desired on this part of the bbs.
Perform a #1 hehe hehe
Now then let’s talk about # 2s
aka having a dump