why do I get dizzier the older I get?

I know this is true of a lot of people. When I was a teen, I could go on any fairground ride withoutout getting sick. Now at 45, all I have to do is get on a kids merry-go-round and my head spins. Is it an inner ear-balance problem or just psycological

This website gives information on one age related cause of dizzyness:

IANAD so i’m not saying that this is always the cause of dizzyness in older people, but it is one case of an age-related condition causing the problem.

Apologies for the double post (I seem to do it all the time) but I just found this website, it explains age-related changes in the ear.

IANAMD, but I know some people have had balance issues because of hormonal problems (which were fixed). Another stopped feeling dizzy after starting to get monthly vitamin B12 shots (the shots were for something else). Anectdotal, yes, but possibly something to talk w/a doctor about.

thanks for the link on the vestibular system. With that key word I was able to find this page http://www.pneuro.com/publications/dizzy/ which explains what I am going through and why. Guess I will just have to grin and bear it, though it does suggest some possible exercises