Why do I hate Bush so much?

Well, I offered one in my first post-- SSM is allowed in Massachusetts. Are there more than 3 or 4 other countries where you can do this in any state/province/whatever?

But my main problem is with your use of “massively”. No one is going to argue that the US, as a whole, is more left leaning than your typical European country. But the the US is much larger and more geographically diverse than any European country (not counting Russia), and therefore taking an “average” has very little meaning.

You may look at the current administration and say “Wow, Americans are really rightwingers” and yet it wasn’t that long ago that a very different administration and Congress held sway in a much more centrist position. Did America change? No, it’s by and large the same people with the same political beliefs.

We’re a pretty evenly divided society, and sometimes the scales tip more one way than the other.

OK, xitsme, the paragraph against which I was arguing wasn’t terribly clear. I took “‘we’ who opposed the war” to mean those who opposed the Iraq war, and therefore got the impression you were tarring all anti-Iraq-war protestors. I now more clearly understand what you were trying to say.

Isn’t that what you guys are going to do in November?

But the US definition of even, or the centrepoint, is way far to the right of the rest of the industrialised world. Kerry is more like a UK Conservative (note big C) or a German Christian Democrat than a LibDem or a Labour man.

Well IMO the last admin and the one before them and the one before them etc where right wing as far as I’m concerned. This isn’t really a GOP thing as the Dems are also relatively right wing when compared to most Euro parties that I’m familiar with.

Nah. Most Bush-voting Republicans, when informed that most of the world is P.O.'d at Bush, prefer to simply retort, “Who cares what they think?” :wink:

My apologies. I misunderstood exactly what was meant by your question.

To destroy a culture, you’d pretty much have to commit some form of genocide. I can’t see any way around it. But I suppose when you put it in less harsh terms, I can understand your viewpoint. I don’t agree with you, but I understand where you’re coming from.

? It was not me who raised the hypothetical question of how many children would not be killed if we had not invaded Iraq. I merely cited the quotation by Albright who was asked the question of whether the deaths of 500,000 innocent Iraqi civilians because of the sanctions and bombings was “worth it”. She answered in the affirmative. I believe it is you who turned the quote on its head to make it a hypothetical question. Since you believe that the numbers cited by UNICEF are not to be believed, who should we cite? That was not a hypothetical number.

Aside from the issues already mentioned, I’d like to bring up one not discussed in this thread:

The deficit.

We went from having a projected 10-year surplus of over a trillion dollars to the largest deficit in our nation’s history. I don’t blame Bush for the economy tanking. Between the dotcom bubble burst and 9/11, it was fairly inevitable. What I blame him for is the way he handled it. If you’re going into war and your country is running up a $15 trillion deficit, the last thing you need to do is cut taxes, especially in the lopsided manner he chose. Three times. And he’s talking about doing it again.

Of course, he had to have Congress’ consent, not to mention the interest of the voters. Hey, I’d like to get back more of my tax money just like anyone else, but not at the price of assfucking the economy for the next decade. I hope to God the voting public doesn’t fall for that line again come November, but knowing how my neocon friends slaver at the thought of another tax cut, I’m not counting on it.

Don’t. Remain a conservative, but an honest conservative. Get rid of those ideological warthogs and the Bible-thumping retards they depend upon. Tell the corporate gluttons that you’re not for sale.

Sing with Olaf, glad and big, that there is some shit you will not eat.

Then we can argue! Argue hard, argue clean, argue with facts. And our country…our beloved country…will be much the better for it.

I don’t want to put aside your hatred, though I do think it is misplaced/

According to the US Constitution he IS the president, what rules are you using and what authority does that have? In short you are not stating the truth.

Really I have been able to buy that new muffler that I have been putting off due to his tax cut, not only that I have been able to HIRE someone, which I haven’t been able to do for years due to reduced tax burden.

You will have to explain this further and it could be applies to most Pres’s.

I’m not asking for a cite here, but absolute proof, or at least beyond a reasonable doubt which is the standard we use here. W/o that this statement serves more to discredit you then W.

IIRC W sat quitely while Moore’s file was airred, while Kerry is trying to deny the SwiftBoat Vets F. T. their right to speach. Maybe you mean that W wants to deny the right of the citizens to be able to defend themselves? Your statement is not all that clear.

I’m glad your embarasses, he has to protect THIS country, not ‘that’ country. He has advisors to inform him of foreign country’s customs. Actually I think you should embarrased that you were embarrassed. Again another non-issue.

Yes I know that and knew that before I read your post. Actually I think your ‘feelings’ about the subject if acted upon would lead to disastrous consequences.

Actually I think that the ‘free world’ were ‘united’ years ago in a treaty called NATO. And W did do something, he defended this country which IS his primary responsibility, and I’m sorry appeasing France and Germany, who was getting a kickback from the food for oil program btw, was not high on his priority list, well actually I’m not (if you can’t tell).

I totally disagree, he found our true allies and make it clear to those who where just palying w/ us that it will no longer be tollerated. I also think that non-terrorism Islam is more on the center stage then EVER before in human history.

No just the opposite, there was no/little pressure to change the minds of the youth in the past, it actually offered a glorious choice. Now they know they will be opposed by the most powerful, and most technologically advanced nation EVER to be on the face on the earth to date.

Yes the US has had as many attacks since 9/11/01 then before :rolleyes: , I don’t knwo where youv’e been but we had NO major attacks even minor ones were caught.

OK let them show themselves publically, I’m sure a missile will follow :confused:

Actually this is a lie, the UN has authorized force (severe consequences) against Iraq if they don’t comply w/ inspections (note not having WMD). We just enforced the policy of the UN.

No again a misstatment to say the least, I would suggest ‘we won’t attack 1st if it will lead to a greater loss of US life then not attacking’.

Just like the Confederacy? or Germany, or Korea, or Veitnam, or the 1st gulf war?

Well it appears Kerry did, but perhaps not due to what I heard lately, well have to see how it turns out. Also the GC only applies to emeny warriors, as such we have not.

Then don’t - it does NOT apply and is a non-issue and only shows your own agenda.

If it’s really that they hate W then it should be quickly repaired in '08 when he can’t run for a 3rd term, so don’t loose any sleep over it.

I put that aside for very valid reasons - it has been talked to death. But to answer your question, I think the multiple questions around voting discrepancies in various battleground states, most importantly Florida, followed by the decision by the US Supreme Court to appoint Bush president are pretty sound reasons for me to doubt that he legitimately won the 2000 election.

Care to keep with the original premise, that Bush and Co have created a climate in which millions of moderate Muslims the world over now hate America which wasn’t the case before?

Kerry has never tried to ‘Silence’ SBVFT. He just wants them to accurately represent the truth as reported in the US military records, and disputes what they say when what they say isn’t true.

WTF? So the leader of the free world shouldn’t know anything about it outside the borders of the US? He should never have traveled anywhere outside the borders of the US prior to becoming leader of it? I think that this is the most naive and short-sighted thing I have ever heard…

Your logic evades me in this… care to explain?

Yes, thanks - then where is NATO now? After 9-11, NATO invoked Article 5 of it’s charter, pledging the full military support of ALL of NATO to the US to defend itself from attack. Where were the hordes of NATO troops helping us in Iraq? Above and beyond France and Germany, who I admit were pretty sketchy in their links to Iraq, what about the other 11 nations in NATO? Only the UK supported the war in Iraq. Where were all our other allies?

Well, I disagree. Hell, we can’t even talk to our FRIENDS right now - the UK is tired of doing our shit work and none of the other NATO or UN allies are willing to listen to cowboys who ignore their advice; how well do you think we’re thought of in Saudi or Iran right now? And I know you don’t care, but those of us who have some level of geopolitical interest and intelligence know that you can’t kill them all, and that at some point we’re going to need some help to find them to stop them.

Absolute bollocks! THere was a rising anti-fundamentalist movement in Iran amongst 18-30 year olds. These were children of the 10-year war with Iraq, children who survied the Ayatollahs and the sanctions. They want westernization; they want liberalisation. They still do, but now the mullahs, thanks to the ham-handed way Bush and Co dealt with them, are back in power and supressing their population like never before. We’re talking the religious fervor of the Taliban, in Iran, terrorizing their own population.

And the opposition by Palestinians seems to have little to do with the fact that Israel can beat them militarily anytime they want. They still seem to be blowing themselves up in farily large numbers… what do you think is so different if Captain American can come in and clean house? Do you think the 9-11 hijakers gave a shit that we could turn their respective homelands into slightly glowing parking lots? It didn’t stop them for a minute, and it won’t stop the next generation of Islamic fundamentalist terrorists from picking up boxcutters and attempting the same thing. And they only have to succeed once. And if you think you’re that much more secure, then you’re living in a fantasy world.

What didn’t you understand? This is not just about the US, but about how the world’s largest and only superpower is to behave in the larger world. The US has not been attacked, but Spain has, and as a result pulled it’s troops out of Iraq and has changed it’s entire government and is close to pulling out of NATO. Bali has been attacked, killing more Australians than Americans although targeted at the Americans, and has again alienated one of our strongest allies.

And don’t even think about trying to tell me Iraq is a better place than before. We have serious unfinished business there, and no matter how it turns out we’re going to look like the big bully that beat the hell out of the small kid and took his lunch money.


OK let them show themselves publically, I’m sure a missile will follow :confused:


Yeah, I’m, confused too… what are you trying to say? We can hit anyone we want with a cruise missile? You’re saying we just need a picture? Fine, we’ve known where Muqtada al-Sadr has been for weeks. Why not a pony nuke on his location? Because apparently someone marginally smarter than a cantaloupe has decided that it would be counter-productive to make yet another Muslim martyr for the world to talk about and for fanatical muslims to uphold as a hero

Against the wishes of the UN general assembly? Or was there a vote of the Security Council that I missed in the run-up to us declaring the UN unable to stop us and therefore irrelevant?

Obvisouly, you are forgetting 25 years of cold-war treaties and diplomacy that explicitly state that the US will never strike first… and the fact that pre-emptive defence is outlawed by the Geneva Convention. It’s the excuse the Nazis used to invade Poland and France. It was a lie then and it’s a lie now - we invaded Iraq for Oil…

Sorry, you flat out lost me there… what the hell does this refer to?

So now we have neo-cons justifying their behavior by re-writing the Geneva Convention. The Geneva Convention applies to all armed conflict, and explicitly states what can and cannot be done with enemy soldiers, combatants, POWs, and enemy leaders.

Hey -guess what? You don’t get to decide what are and aren’t issues. You can bring up your own, or you can refute mine, but you don’t get to decide what is and isn’t important to a discussion…

Obviously, your understanding of what this means is pretty limited. ANd clearly you don’t get why international relations are such an important part of Bush’s job.