I’m a student nurse and it seems everytime I turn around someone wants me to get another Tuberculin skin test. Why Tuberculosis which is relatively rare in the United States (and really rare in Indiana with less than two hundred cases last year). Why not Hepatitus B, C or HIV, or MERSA tests (I have read reports that up to ten percent of healthcare workers harbor MERSA)? It would seem much more likely that I would have these diseases and yet nurses are not typically tested for these organisms (although we are required to have Hep B vaccinations).
How about if I got the BCG vaccine that they give overseas? Would they still make me take the test (I can’t see why since this vaccine makes you test positive for Tuberculosis)? For that matter if Tuberculosis is a real threat why not just require the BCG vaccine? If this vaccine is not sufficiently effective why not develop an alternative? After all Tuberculosis is a relatively slow growing organism and should have less “antigenic drift” than bugs like influenza (viruses) which mutate much more rapidly (making effective vaccines very difficult).