Why Do Men Prefer Shaved Women?

I don’t know about the guys, but I prefer parts of me shaved. I feel “cleaner” when my pits are clear and I like the way my legs feel when they’re smooth and hairless. Shaving anywhere else, the skin is too sensitive and I only come out in inchy, red bumps which is neither attractive nor comfortable. I have a friend, however, who likes keeping her pubic area mowed and she’s clear that it increases her pleasure. She’s not doing it for some guy.

As to the guys, furry is good. Not necessary, but not a turn off by any means.

I don’t really see why a woman with natural body hair SHOULD be viewed as a bad thing, but I’m a minority. I know one girl in my grade who’s not freakishly hairy or anything, but she does grow fine hair on her face and also her back. It doesn’t bother me whatsoever but many of my classmates view it as ‘mannish’. They also view it as feminine for a guy to have non hairy legs - I’m 16 and redheaded and still it was thought I should feel like a feminine freak because I had very fine leg hair until recently!
Juvenile, huh?

I personally don’t think body hair makes a woman repulsive, I quite like the feel of leg hair. And I am DEFINATELY going to grow a beard because I’d love to have one, no matter what any juvenile people say about it being a symbol of being an unclean, evil slob.

Isn’t the whole shaved pubic area a turn on for men because they can see the goods better?

I must say, a woman with a completely bald pubic area would look a little strange.

Nah. Genitalia actually is not arousing. Arousal comes from the other areas of the body, like breasts, buttocks, legs - all that nice curvy stuff.

There’s actually a joke about that:

A guy gets up in the morning feeling great. He goes to work, and all his co-workers say “Man, you look terrible”. So he goes to the doctor. The doctor takes one look and says: “Man, you look terrible”. The guy says: “Yeah, but I feel great”. So the doctor looks in his medical books: “Hmmm…let’s see…looks terrible, feels great…Ah, that’s it! You’re a vagina.”

[rim shot]

Mhh… I might not be fashionably corect, but I actually like shaved pubic area.
You don’t get hair in your mouth, you can see the “goods” - and I actually find them arrousing.

The little fact that I have never been with a girl who wasn’t shaved might have something to do with it :slight_smile:

For me, it hasn’t got anything to do with it looking juvenile, I like the rest of the body when it’s a little curved and not having a “little girl” look.

Shaved legs: Yes please.
Shaved armpits; Yes.
Shave pubic hair: Not neccessary at all.

I prefer shaved everybody. :slight_smile: I’m a man and I shave armpits, legs , etc. (not pubic hair, for reasons that are probably TMI, but I trim).

I don’t really have enough experience to say, but I think I’d prefer a shaved pubic area as well. OTOH I don’t think unshaved would bother me (as long as it wasn’t really wild). In fact, unshaved legs wouldn’t really bother me either, I just prefer shaved. Armit hair is gross 'though (on men and women).

I just generally think body hair looks and feels unpleasant. :: shrug :: each to their own I guess.

Meh, I think a lot of it’s conditioning. People have been raised on Playboy models who have been airbrushed until they look like they’re made of plastic (though photographed through a heavy filter for that “ethereal” look), and the models in Penthouse look like they’ve been dipped in Nair.

I think when you grow up looking at these images, and are told over and over again “THIS is arousing, THIS is beauty, THIS is sensuality,” you start to believe it. These are the only naked women a lot of young men (and young women) see before they start dating, so they’re going to start believing that’s what naked is SUPPOSED to look like.

(The women in Hustler, of course, look as though they’ve been dipped in lard and are filmed under incredibly harsh light, but I don’t think anyone’s arguing that those models (at least, the way they’re photographed) are sensual OR beautiful.)

Me…I shave my legs and pits. I dislike hairy pits, and that’s probably conditioning, but at least I’m only mutilating myself. I like shaving my legs because immediately after, denim feels like silk and I think that’s awesome. I tried to keep my crotch shaved. The extra access/sensation was NOT worth the extra itching, ingrown hairs, and frequent maintenence.

You’ve measured 'em?

Not according to Mrs. Dave-Guy. She hates facial hair. Lucky for her my employment precludes beard-growing. But I did grow a goatee during my one-week vacation recently, and she wouldn’t sex me up until I shaved it.

And Dr. Hawk has always had furry on the chin, so good for you.

Natural is always better. Whatever your body does naturally, or what you naturally feel like doing to your body that makes you feel comfortable is perfectly fine and dandy with me.
That said, I think my hair is gross. I believe I’m one of those “Hairy Monkey Men” that Lola made reference to. It’s yucky. :frowning:

The more cleanly shaved the better, save possibly a landing strip or heart shaped box.

I’m a man who’s in the “women - the smoother the better” category. I just love the feel of smooth skin against my own.

That said, I’m very hairy myself, and have no desire to ever shave my body, and fortunately, my wife feels the same way about it. I think the key is to stop thinking “monkey” and instead think “teddy bear.”

Just what I was thinking.
I’ve noticed that the men I know (and this isn’t a generalization, simply an observation) who like and advocate pubic shaving are men who have a deep appreciation for the aesthetics of porn and skin mags. They’re also the guys who, FWIW, f*ck like they’re in porn, complete with kind of cheesy dirty talk and the occasional ass-slap.

A man I sometimes get together with has a fantasy about shaving my naughty bits bald, which I think for him has a lot to do with the aesthetic potential of the naked genitals and their similarity to what he finds hot in a video, whereas for me what would be hot about it is the amount of trust it takes to let someone else wield an incredibly sharp and potentially deadly object down there. I mean, I’ve been shaving the legs, pits, and now the crotch (but not the whole thing, just a little grooming) for years now, and I still cut myself every so often.

I also used to be kind of turned off by chest hair, and then when I actually had the opportunity to really play with some, it was pretty nice. Soft, swirly, and perfect for a little light tugging.

:smack: Uh… that would be square inches of surface area, I believe. And boy, is it itchy.

Well, I’d say the woman has no taste, but she married my brother, so I’ll cut her some slack.:smiley:

Furry on the chin is good, but I was mostly thinking of body hair. Teddy bear is good, too. (insert teddy bear smiley here)

Shaved is sexy to me, completely bare turns me on. Smoooooth and slippery. Its just not as much fun burying your face into a mound of hair.

Also disagree with the person who said genitailia is not a turn on… HUH? I mean please, sure other parts of the body are turn ons too but… thats the goods.

Aw, some folks like that, Simetra. :slight_smile:

I love hairy guys, particularly hairy legs and tummy, and you’ve already heard my views on the awesome, arousing treasure trail.

And I also like keeping my self pretty close to completely shaven. Not necessarily for my husband, but for me. It makes me more sensitive down there and also smooth cleared out. When I’m having naked hoo ha sex, I feel like a porn star. It turns me on.

Also, as a swimmer, it’s sort of gross to have miles of sidesnatch coming out of your suit.

Or if you were riding a horse sidesnattle.

I have found that a woman with hairy legs feels smoother than one with stubble. Same with pubes. I like pubes anyway, it offers more opportunities for arousal. you can just lightly brush them and give her sensations, whereas with a bald beaver you gotta go straight for the goodies. Shaved is fun sometimes, but once it is no longer baby-butt smooth it loses its appeal. Red bumps are a no no too.

As long as she’s clean, and taken a modicum of effort to be presentable, I couldn’t care less if she’s shaved or not. Women are sexy, and the presence of hair, or lack thereof, is really kinda secondary.