Why do most people die lying on their sides or back?

I was watching one of those murder mystery shows last night, a detective said a woman’s death was suspicious because she was found dead lying face/stomach down. He said most people die lying on their backs or sides.

He did not give any explanation why it was abnormal.

I’ve never heard of this. Is this true? If so, why is it unusual?

A lot of people feel ill before they die. So they lie down. But a lot of things that’ll make you feel unwell (and then kill you) will also make lying on your stomach uncomfortable.

Just a WAG, but a dieing person will try to get off their stomachs because of natural tendency to get their faces off the ground, and are in the position to exert lots of force (both arms and legs) to get into another position. Someone on their back is in a poor position to change their position, a person on their side (fetal like positioning) may tend to have limbs in the way of turning face down.

Also, back and sides covers 3/4th of the positions you can die in i.e., most of them.

It is a little known fact that a human being cannot die of natural causes while lying on his/her tummy. Absent violence, tummy lying makes a person immortal. That is why hospitals have patients who cannot pay on their backs at all times, so they won’t hang around indefinitely. I sleep exclusively on my tummy so that I cannot die in my sleep.