Why do my cakes keep coming out flat? (need answer fast)

I am just trying to make simple lazy day cakes – about the simplest white cake recipe there is.

Butter, sugar, egg, baking powder, salt, flour, milk. I have made them innumerable times before with success. Although my electric mixer broke down recently, I made them just fine before I had the mixer. But now they come out less than an inch tall and all jello-like. I even tried souring the milk with lemon juice first, to make it like buttermilk. This works great with pancakes.

I suspect that my baking powder is flat. Does this happen? Does it just lose its potency? Because otherwise it would surely have reacted with the citric acid, right?

Yes, baking powder can and does “go flat.” Once opened, it begins to react with the humidity in the air, which causes it to do its thing while it’s in the container. Several sources I’m finding suggest that it can typically be expected to have a shelf life (once opened) of only about six to twelve months, depending on how tightly it’s sealed, and how humid your environment is. They also suggest that you should get a new can after six months, just to make sure you aren’t working with ineffective stuff.

A couple of links:

Oh, thank you! That’s gotta be it. :slight_smile:

New can after six months???

Uh-oh. Mine says it came from “Chicago 24, Ill.”

Mo’ eggs.

You win the thread. :smiley:

Mix a tiny amount of baking soda with an acid like vinegar or lemon juice. If it fizzes vigorously, it’s still good. If it doesn’t react, time to get a new box.

Baking soda is not the same as baking powder.

Mix a tiny amount of baking powder with water. If it fizzes, it’s still good. If it doesn’t react, time to get a new box.

CMC fnord!