Why do people keep their wallet in their back-pocket?

I rarely place my wallet or much else in my pants pockets, but when I do, I prefer the rear ones. Unless very small, like my key FOB, keeping objects in my side pockets makes it uncomfortable when I walk or sit. The rear pockets aren’t great, but they’re better.

That said, I wouldn’t consider it easy to remove in either case.

Interesting, this never occurred to me. Learned something new.

If it becomes uncomfortable, that means it’s time to clear out all the old ATM chits and reminder notes to myself. :slight_smile:

Yep - I read about this 30 or so years ago. About 24 years ago, a fellow I was working with complained about sciatica pain. I looked over, saw that he carried a thick wallet in his back pocket, and suggested he move it.

Cured him, I did :slight_smile: I told him he owed me 40 bucks for the consult. I never did get paid :stuck_out_tongue:

My wife calls it a purse. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is also related to the issue of wallets generally being too big IMO.

No pocket is comfortable for me to carry a full-size, leather, man-wallet stuffed with reams of cash. I don’t know how people do it*. But of the pockets to carry it in, I’d say jacket and back pocket are slightly less annoying / constricting than the front pocket.
And jacket has issues of its own – you might remove the jacket, or if it’s unbuttoned it might flap about in the wind (yeah…I actually lost a wallet that way once :smack:).

  • For me, since you’re dying to know, I just keep 3 or 4 cards in one of those cheapo, plastic card-holder things now. Fits fine in a front pocket. I might put a few notes into one of the spaces but generally I’ll pay for things by card.

I’ve learned over the years to keep my wallet in my front pocket instead of my rear pocket. I’ve never been a victim of a pick pocket and I’ve lived and worked in NYC all my Life. But as time passed and as the crime rate seemed to rise on a steady basis especially on the Subway I somehow without even thinking about it moved my Wallet from the back pocket to the left front pocket with my keys in my right front pocket. When wearing a jacket or coat that has an inside pocket I simply transfer my wallet there. If your a victim of a pick pocket you not only lose money, you also lose other important stuff such as drivers licenses and other documents!

So that in bars, I can tell the young lady, “I’m not really this tall. I’m sitting on my wallet.”

I need all the help I can get in those situations.