Why do these groups support the Mugabe regime?

In his regular column in the Village Voice, Nat Hentoff writes

Why do these groups support the rule of Robert Mugabe? Why would anyone support it?


Making some guesses (group by group):

Africans Helping Africans: Have no clue who these people are.

International Action Center: Also no clue who they are, but Beagle’s theory might apply.

National Conference of Black Attorneys: Most likely, this group’s in denial that Zimbabwe is in as bad a shape as it is in, and refuses to accept the idea that this should be changed.

Harlem Tenants’ Council: Probably under the impression that African states can do no wrong.

New York ANSWER: Beagle’s dead on with this one.

ANSWER is totally dominated by Stalinists and directed by the Comintern of the Fourth International. This is why they churlishly and deceptively phonied up some alleged “demonstrations” against our noble crusade to liberate Iraq. (We have brother december to thank for alerting us to thier skullduggery.)

The rest are dominated by the Illuminati.