I’m wondering what people think the reasoning is, or ought to be, for punishing criminals. Is there a difference between why we do it and why most people think we do it? How have our reasons changed over time?
(I’m thinking of the U.S. here, but I’m interested in hearing about other countries as well. I’m also mainly referring to prison sentences because I don’t particularly want to harp on the death penalty, but the question is by no means restricted to that.)
Here are 4 general purposes for criminal incarceration in America that I could think of:
Retribution - Giving the criminals what they deserve. I would say that “an eye for an eye” was the definition of justice for a long time, and that it’s still a prevalent sentiment today. That seems to me like a completely emotional reaction, but if it is, is that acceptable? It makes me uneasy to think of the judicial system functioning in essence to satisfy the vengeance of citizens, but could we function as a society without that satisfaction?
Isolation - Keeping the criminals away from the general public. Out of the reasons I came up with, this strikes me as the most pure in a logical sense. In order to maintain order in a society, the criminal element needs to be removed for the protection of the rest of the citizens. However, is this more for our protection or for our peace of mind?
Deterrence - Making other criminals or potential criminals think twice. I think this is more effective in times and places where public punishment is more in vogue, but how relevant is it in our society? Don’t most people commit crimes do so because they either don’t think they’ll get caught or don’t care? Is it the crime itself or the potential punishment that keeps people law-abiding?
Rehabilitation - Making the criminals into law-abiding citizens. I certainly like the notion of trying to reform criminals and reintegrate them into society. It does, however, seem to conflict with things like retribution and deterrence, and some people take issue with how we “baby” our prisoners. Should prisons be something akin to “crime hospitals” where people are “cured”?
I’m curious how people would rank these reasons in order of importance, or if there should be other reasons on the list.
If a space alien came to our planet and asked why we’ve got all these people locked in buildings against their will, what would you say?