Whenever I put a DVD that features DVD-ROM files (example - The X-Files), my computer tells that it can’t run the files because I need a DVD-ROM drive.
I have just installed a Sony DRU-500AX DVD burner. I already had an HP DVD-ROM drive that came with the system (AMD 1.2Ghz, 128Mb memory, WinME). Originally, I had a CD burner, but replaced it with the Sony and had the same problem. I found a reference to this problem on MS troubleshooting site which recommended swapping the master/slave assignments. I never got around to doing that and figured the problem would have been solved by adding the Sony unit.
When I check the System manager, both drives are correctly identified, but they are under the heading “CDROM drives”.
What can I do to make the computer see that these are really DVD-ROM drives?
Swap the M/S assignments and also use a new cable. If that doesn’t work try using CS (cable select) jumpering on one or both drives instead of M/S jumpering. It solved my DVD non-recognition problem under XP.
Originally, both drives were set using the CS jumpers and I had the same problem. I’d originally set the Sony’s jumper to the CS setting and the same problem occured. Both units play DVDs without a problem.
I e-mailed HP support and suggested “removing” both drives and restarting the computer so that it would recognize the drives. IIRC, I tried this and nothing happened, but I’ll try it again.
In thinking about it the cable swapping was in conjunction witha pplying the big XP service pack update that had something in it that addressed this issue. Might be worth a DL if you haven’t done this already.
Your bios probably has a setting in it where it thinks the old cdrom drive that you took out is still there cause it holds that info in memory.
Clear that setting in bios to let the computer know you have new stuff in it. My bios calls is Nvram.