Here I am with my latest respiratory ailment and in need of having my prescriptions filled. So, to save time, I go to a Walgreen’s on the way home. Normally, I would have gone to Walmart but I wanted to save time.
After a few minutes of waiting at the Walgreen’s pharmacy, I was informed by the kindly pharmacist that they weren’t on my insurance provider’s list to fill my prescription. Okay, no problem. So, I wind up going to Walmart anyway, which now is actually a relocated Super Walmart, thinking I can get my medicines. OHHHH, but no! The “Super” Walmart pharmacy closed at 9pm and here I am at 10pm.
Please, someone, tell me. How is this more conveeeeenient?!?
I unfortunately work at the aforementioned “Wallyworld”, and I can vouch for the fact that it is not as “Super” as it claims to be. Good thing I’m in college as well.
I get my family’s prescriptions filled at Sav-on, myself, so I’m not up on all the subtle ramifications of having the same corporate entity operating pharmacies in three different venues (Wal-Mart, Walgreen’s, Sam’s Club), but what the fuck is up with this shit? Why do the pharmacies operating under the auspices of Sam Walton’s empire feel they have to compete with EACH OTHER? Shouldn’t they be cooperating, sharing client bases and insurance coverage, and generally trying to stomp the piss out of their REAL competitors at Rite-Aid, and Sav-on/Osco?
In short, IT’S THE SAME FRIGGIN’ COMPANY, FERCRYINOUTLOUD! How can they not accept the same insurance carriers?
They HAVE to have enough leverage to be able to force the carriers to do business with all of them or none of them.