Why does You-tube think I have IE7

Friends recently when I went to You-Tube I get a message that says that soon Microsoft IE7 will no longer be supported by You-Tube. I don’t have IE7, my system uses IE8. So does anybody know why You-Tube thinks I have 7? Has anybody else run into this situation?

You probably have compatibility mode enabled for that website. IIRC, it’s a button right next to the address bar.

Alka Seltzer answered the OP, but here’s some more interesting detail on how and why browsers describe themselves to web servers the way they do: http://webaim.org/blog/user-agent-string-history/

Could you please elaborate I don’t know what you mean, please forgive my computer ineptness.

No problem. IE8 has a backwards compatibility mode used to display older pages that don’t work properly. It’s likely you’ve accidentally turned this on for that site. If you go to YouTube, is the button next to the address bar that looks like a broken page highlighted? If so, click on it to disable it.