Why doesn't free-falling in a vacuum hurt?

As sort of a complement to this thread, I was wondering the exact opposite.

Actually, I assume it would hurt a whole lot for a lot of reasons. But what would actually happen? Would you blow up like a Bond villian?

Is this what you are asking? If so, Cecil did a column on it once.

If you were thrown into the vacuum of space with no space suit, would you explode?

Short answer: Death would come quickly but you would not explode.

Can I ask what free-falling has to do with this? Why would that contribute to the hurt?

It’s not the free-fall that hurts. It’s the sudden stop at the end.
(Someone was going to say it eventually.)

I thought it would be more dramatic to toss our volunteer out of an airlock.

If you were in a suit and free-falling to the surface of a planetary body that had no atmosphere you wouldn’t feel much sensation at all. You’d just continue to feel weightless until you hit the surface.