Why don't presidential candidates constantly have horrible viruses/illnesses?

The other thing is, when they get a cold or generally ill, campaigning politicians just generally don’t let it stop them. They show up and do the campaigning, the speechmaking, the handshaking, and so on even if they feel like crap.

But, if you remember, Clinton came down with laryngitis in 1992.

I opened this thread to mention that. In addition to losing his voice, Clinton also seemed IIRC to have a stuffy nose some of the time. So they’re not all kryptonians, immune to earth’s viruses.

My political communications professor was pretty heavily involved in a number of campaigns at all levels from national to local. He says you get really fucking tired of washing your hands.

Why do I get these recurring images of Adrian Monk running for office? "You want me to do what to a baby? :eek: "