In 1992 a guy named Roger Keith Coleman was executed in Virginia for rape and murder. There is a frozen sample of semen from the victim which has never been subjected to modern DNA testing. Several newspapers in Virginia have requested that they be able to test the evidence, using DNA technology unavailable at the time that Coleman was executed, to determine conclusively if Coleman was guilty. The Commonwealth of Virginia is refusing to give the press any access to the evidence.
So the state is trying to argue that testing the evidence will “destroy” it.
But now they intend to BURN it without testing it.
In other words, the Commonwealth of Virginia wants to make impossible for anyone to prove a wrongful execution.
And why? Well take a look at this:
So we can’t test evidence because that might make the state LOOK BAD?
Why don’t prosecutors give a fuck what the truth is? Isn’t the whole fucking point of a trial to find out the TRUTH? Why isn’t DNA testing MANDATORY for prosecutors in all relevant cases? Innocent people are walking off death row in droves in the past few years. are we supposed to believe that every single one of them has been caught in time? That not ONE innocent person has been executed. George w Bush, as governor of texas, once declared unequivocally that it was IMPOSSIBLE for any of his own state’s gas chamber victims to have been innocent.
WTF??? Is he fucking KRESKIN? Is he GOD? How the fuck does he know? And more importantly why doesn’t he CARE?
Do prosecutors care more about their own careers and conviction records than they do about justice? Defense attorneys get consistently bashed in the media for supposedly trying to get “guilty” people off. Yet prosecutors get a free fucking ride even though they are just as prone to self-serving tactics, and cynical manipulation of the system as defense attorneys, and i would argue that the potential damage from a dishonest prosecutor is WORSE because they are committing two crimes. They are putting innocent people in prison or to death, and by doing so they are allowing the REAL guilty parties to go free.
If DNA evidence is available, then what possible legitimate excuse does the state have not to test it?
If the states are so confident of their cases, then why are they so terrified of posthumous DNA testing for executed inmates? How shaken would the public be if they found out how many innocent people have been executed?
If the behavior of Virginia is any indication they’d be pretty damn shaken.