Why don't we sneeze while asleep?

I suffer from allergies that often cause me multiple sneezes and runny nose until I take some anti allergic drug to help. However, I find it a little difficult to understand that whatever the cause of that allergy, has its effect only when I am awake. It is only after I wake up in the morning that the sneezing starts. Why have I never woken up because of a sneeze or have not sneezed in sleep?

I have, and (obviously) it’s woken myself up in the process. All in all, such bodily functions still go on while sleeping…

I frequently sneeze in my sleep. Its annoying because its often messy. I don’t have time to prepare myself from the damage and end up changing pillow cases alot.

I’ve sneezed while asleep & it always wakes me up.

Ok…let me rephrase the question then. Why don’t we sneeze as often while asleep as when awake? Now…is that better you nighttime snot blowers?

IMHO it is because you are lying still, in a still room with little allergens, not moving around stirring up dust perhaps. :slight_smile:

I sneeze myself awake, I get the tickly, itchy nose and wake up to sneeze, I drool, belch, crepitate, flatulence, and so on… the only thing I don’t do (yet) is release my bladder or bowels (give me about 40 more years) :smiley:

I still think the answer lies somewhere else. My allergies do not act up when I am asleep. It is only after I am awake in the morning and even if I am lying in bed(not moving around, not creating dust) the allergy attck occurs and soon I am sneezing away to kingdom come until of course I get up and get my Allegra. It must be something to do with the mind’s sympathetic system or something that is more reactive when concious and awake than when asleep. I was hoping a doctor doper could tell.