Why don't you see pure Strawberry juice anywhere? Marsh a local grocery had fresh...

I’m still sticking to the idea that strawberry juice just isn’t economical to make or sell. After all, juice manufacturers seem to be able to make strawberry-kiwi drinks or strawberry-orange-banana drinks just fine. There is a Strawberry C Monster drink made by Odwalla, too; however, it is not 100% strawberry juice.

We know how to get the juice on a large scale, then. We just don’t have a way to make it sell on its own.

Damn you, Fish! Damn you to alt.star-trek.creative!

I wanted to be the one to give the first Marrissa reference…

Yes, jayjay, my Strawberrashi Maru time was 27 minutes. Keep working at it! :slight_smile:

What the hell? I’m as big a Trekkie as they come and the Marissa Picard reference is flying right over my head. I don’t recognize it at all. Some scene from *Family *?

Um. And I agree with **Fish ** that it’s uneconomical, just to try to stay on topic…

Ooooooh! I get to introduce yet another unsuspecting soul to the horror of Stephen Ratliff!

The Stephen Ratliff MSTing Archive: The Marrissa Files

Basically, the cough author has taken a minor once-off character (Marrissa Flores, the little girl stuck in the turbolift with Picard in Disaster) and turned her into the absurdist centerpiece of an entire alternate Trekiverse, where 12-year-olds are made ensign and given command of a “Kids’ Crew” capable of phasering the words “I was beaten by a bunch of kids” into Gul Dukat’s starship. And that’s only the beginning…

I add more years onto my sentence in Hell every time I share that link.

Whew. It has something to do with the scary Trek Online Underground that I avoid at all costs and wasn’t some line in one of the shows. I am redeemed.

:stuck_out_tongue: Canon snob!