My boyfriend says it’s me getting all fat. “Nooooo!”
Lately, late in the flush, my toilet (just one of them) has begun moaning. It’s kind of creepy. There’s never been anything wrong with it before - why now, and what is it?
My boyfriend says it’s me getting all fat. “Nooooo!”
Lately, late in the flush, my toilet (just one of them) has begun moaning. It’s kind of creepy. There’s never been anything wrong with it before - why now, and what is it?
That moaning usually means that the washers inside your fill valve have gotten old and loose. The extra room lets the valve vibrate and makes wierd sounds before closing completely.
Replacing worn fill valves is one of the services that boyfriends are supposed to provide. Don’t let him weasel out on this. If he’s never done it, he has to learn someday.
Perhaps the fixture feel used and unappreciated. You know, putting up with crap all of the time. Perhaps it needs some understanding, and a hug.
If you live at Hogwarts, this could be the cause of your problem.
Seriously, Squink has given you a great answer. When we’ve had toilet moanage, replacing the fill valve fixed things.
Darn, you beat me to it!
Is the moan similar to, " yes, yes, yes, yes, Yes…!"
Or is the moan similar to, “aw, another day, same old shit …”?
Poltergeist! :eek:
(I agree with Squink)
Zsofia, you just need to get good and drunk, then you’ll hug the toilet!
There is a Giant Fanged Eel coming up your toilet…to get you!!!
If you or your boyfriend are, like me at a younger age, happily ignorant of what a toilet fill valve is or how to replace it, then here’s a website that explains it:
Replace Toilet Fill Valve (
Plumbing jobs are a pain. It’s easy to replace something, but you have to make sure that after you’re done there are no leaks. If you have your boyfriend do it for you, I urge you to watch the steps so that you would know how to do it yourself if necessary. There is no reason that a member of the gentler, kinder sex would be incapable some simple plumbing repairs jobs when the necessity arises. Choosing not to do it yourself, of course, is perfectly understandable!
Forget him! It’s my house, and I fix toilets around here. (Well, I haven’t done it in this house, but I have once replaced a flapper in another house, and was going to replace the whole works only it got very… complicated.) I told him this morning it cried because it doesn’t like his moustache and it thinks his soul patch is pretentious.
More on the ghostly aspect
You are not in a Japanese elementary school, so you are safe from Hanako-san. And, I doubt your toilet is 100 years old, so you are safe these as well ^^
I think we can thus safely conclude your problems are earthly in origin
It’s having a passionate affair with the sink?
Of the two, the toilet is far more handsome.
wouldn’t that be a “potty-giest”?
You’re using the wrong side of the plunger! (You sick-o)
Just in case you havn’t done it yet, did you check to make sure the shut-off valve is still open? Sometimes, when they are by the base of the toilet, the valve handle can slowly get bumped by mopping and dogs chasing hairballs or whatever. Eventually it’s strangling the water flow, and makes kind of a moaning sound.
Its probably pissed off at being shat on all the time,I expect Id grumble a bit myself in that situation.
[Sean Connery]I don’t undershtand: my shofa doesn’t moan, and I shit on it all the time[/Sean Connery]
On a more serious note, the toilet down in my grandmother’s basement (it’s in a little corner with a curtain around it), has this horrible, high-pitched moan when you flush it. When I was little, I was actually afraid of it.