It’s not like he lives far away.
It’s because he doesn’t care.
They are just pawns in his game.
Shodan, Mr Mace, Airman, Brutus. Why hasn’t he?
Should he have?
Of course he should have. It does not look good on him that he hasn’t.
It’s not like he lives far away.
It’s because he doesn’t care.
They are just pawns in his game.
Shodan, Mr Mace, Airman, Brutus. Why hasn’t he?
Should he have?
Of course he should have. It does not look good on him that he hasn’t.
He did.
Can we expect a retraction from you now?
And the debate is…?
He visited on April 11th??
Give me a break.
How many have been wounded since then?
One time is good enough?
The debate is whether or not Bush even cares about our troops.
OK… now I’m starting to see why people think Reeder is just a left-wing december.
Who cares that the president hasn’t visited the wounded? It’s just a photo op anyway… if anything I have a bit MORE respect for Dubya (from 1.2 to 1.36 on a scale of 1 to 10) for NOT making the visit just to milk it for the flag-waving publicity.
Get a clue, man.
That is quite possibly the most idiotic response I have ever seen in Great Debates.
You really don’t care? I sure care. How hard is it or him to go? No need to tell the press corps.
Just go.
Yet no response to the OP.
Yes, there was a response to your assinine OP. The fact that you disregard little things like ‘fact’ and ‘reality’ doesn’t make the response any less valid.
That makes it two lies for you, so far. (In this thread!)
Maybe if the OP could be bothered to make some sort of comparison of hospital visits by previous presidents in times of war, and thereby shown that Bush was slacking in this regard, I might take this thread a bit more seriously. Or maybe not.
Didnt Rome give citizenship for service in the Military ? … hhmm… curious…
Brutus…so one visit meets his requirement?
So much for your compassion.
Assinine OP:
He has. You lied.
Pathetic attempt to salvage a pathetic OP:
GW visited Reed and Bethesda. That’s two visits, and your third lie. (Again, in this OP.)
So much for your integr…oh, never mind.
There was a columnist for the Columbus Dispatch (forget his name, and it’s been roughly 20 years since I read the piece) who was a corpsman at Walter Reed, who wrote about what it was like to be there in the hospital whenever the President came to visit. He said that it was an absolute nightmare because of security considerations. Everyone had to go through an intensive screening process before they could be allowed in. Even the patients in the hospital had to be thoroughly checked to make sure they weren’t trying to conceal a deadly weapon of some kind.
Given that this was pre-9/11, I can only imagine how much bigger of a hassle it must be now. So for Bush to only show up once is, in a probability, a blessing to the folks at the hospital.
I give up. It’s sad that the man who sent our troops to die in a war purely of his making is given a pass for not caring.
Have you gone? Have you visited any of the wounded troops anywhere?
If you haven’t then by your own logic, they are just pawns in your game. They’re misery is nothing more than a rhetorical tool that lets you take a cheap shot.
That makes you worse.
Please do. You have no place in GD if you deny basic facts that are presented to you.
He has never called any family of any casualty. Never offered condolences for any death. While I agree he can’t do them all…it would be nice to do one.
So I sent them to war?
And yes…if I lived in DC…I would have been there.
But you wouldn’t have.
All you care for for is Bush. Not the men who fight and die for him.
Thing thing is, Reeder, Mr. Dubya leaves so much to be desired-- has shown many reasons why he is not up to the job that he wasn’t even properly elected to do-- and you dwell on stupid shit like this?