Why I like the SDMB

Where else could you learn about felching?

Armed, dangerous…
and off my medication.

I’ll second Wally.

I love this place. I can’t get through a SDMB session without laughing out loud!

I like the fact that most people here are intelligent and funny.

Even though I’m not a star on this board, more of a supporting actress, if I have a problem I want to share, people reply and comment and are not negative.

When I mentioned the circumstances under which I left my husband, I got a supportive email from Melin which I appreciated.

Plus, I like that people tend to spell things correctly and use punctuation.

“Predictable, really I suppose. It was an act of purest optimism to have posed the question in the first place.” --John Cleese

Smeggy, I’m also a newbie and was quickly hooked. My fiance has to come in here and check on me once in a while, when I’m getting my fix. He calls me a MB junkie.

I love how freeing it can be to actually disagree with people without the fear of alienating people. If I unintentionally offend someone here, it’s okay because it seems Dopers are more likely to take it in the context in which it was intended–to discuss with the assumption that there may/will be disagreements. IRL I am always afraid of making someone angry with me if I disagree. I’m a Libra, I almost always ride the fence. Here, I’m free to pick a side of that fence.

I’m interested in so many different things, and I’m glad to have found a place where there is such a diversity of topics…usually with a little wit sprinkled on top. Since I was looking for something else when I found this, I could say it was serendipitous and not worry that y’all wouldn’t understand me.

The SDMB is therapy without the bill.

Uh, Smug, we’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. Apparently you provided us with an incorrect snail mail address – we keep getting the bills returned and stamped, “Return to Sender.”

Where else can you go and talk about religion, Schroedinger’s Cat, car repair, computers, and the best way to give a blow-job? It’s like the cocktail party from Hell. I like it here because it makes me think and it makes me laugh, which makes it the perfect break from Real Life, where maybe I don’t do enough of either.

Awww, ain’t this nice. Kinda like gettin’ a new puppy and a cup of hot chocolate on Christmas morning.

No, seriously, I enjoy my little visits here for many reasons, the main being, the intelligence of the posters and diversity of opinion. And there’s nothing like a bit of sharp, dry humor, it’s the icing on the cupcakes. Or the bacon bits on the salad, Or the sour cream on the baked potato. Or the frosty mug for the beer.

Okay, I’ll stop now.

Dopeler effect:
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

It Is enjoyable. I feel like I personally Know the regulars.Some of you are so witty,I feel inferior! Also,“I” know what mr snark looks like,so there! He e-mailed me his photo,ha Ha!(sorta a plumper Brad Pitt ;))

Honestly,I’m waiting for the day a sdmb poster puts a photo up of what they “purport” to be the inside of satans ass.

Thanks Orangecakes. Now I’m gonna have that image in my head while I sleep.

Dopeler effect:
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

This message board is my virginal internet experience. I guess I musta had eons of good karma; it seems I’ve lucked out. I only have a bit of time to be here, and from what I’ve seen the internet is swell & amazing & intelligent & hilarious. I guess the downside now is that this site is my bellweather, so when I venture beyond, from what I gather, it’ll be disappointing. Guess it’s better to start at the top, though.

And thanks to all of you for the edification…

I think for me it’s both the diversity of people who hang around this board, and the fact that it really is something of a community feeling. The message board is a great leveler; there are people I have made friends with off of this board that I probably would never have connected with IRL, either because of distance, lifestyle, or age. Or time, for that matter. I don’t generally have the opportunity to be chatting with my IRL friends in the late hours of the evening on a worknight, but I can with all the many friends I’ve made from the old board and this board. I can chat for a couple of minutes with an online friend while I am composing a document or doing some research – IMs don’t require the same level of concentration and immediate attention that IRL conversation does. That makes it handy to be in touch with someone every day, even if only for a few minutes.


I love it because you people know what I’m talking about.

most people I know care about money and fasion and getting drunk and getting pussy, not that those are bad things…

realm505 – what are you talking about? :wink:

What everybody else said.

Honestly, ya’ll don’t realize how nice it is for me to be able to come here and interact with so many people from so many walks of life. In my everyday life, there is no way that I’d run into such a varied group of people. I’m a stay-at-home mom, plus I live on an army post, so I very rarely meet new and interesting people. Mostly, I just sit in the playground and talk with the other mommies. Pretty dull, eh?

I’m also alone a lot at night, stuck in the house with the kid, since the husband is always away at work or school. :frowning: This board gives me something constructive (well, kinda) to do with all my free time.

I have never found a group of people with the intelligence level and diversity of interests that this group has. I have cried, I have laughed, I have shared, I’ve made bad puns, I have learned, I hope that I have taught something to a person or two, or caused someone to laugh. I have met people that I probably would never have known if they lived next door to me.

Why do I like SDMB? It’s the people, dammit!