Why is Acrobat Reader X so incredibly slow?

I really don’t use PDF readers very much but when I do I prefer Foxit. My main objection to Adobe Reader is that it requires a reboot when installing updates (something few other utilities do, and that Microsoft itself seldom does anymore). Requiring reboots is something that should be reserved for drivers, etc.


If you design your application well, you don’t need any overhead for pieces of the program that are not in use. You should only be loading the most common components.

Though the real problem, I suspect, is Adobe’s sandboxing the hell out of their applications. There’s a lot of overhead in seamless sandboxing, and Adobe’s never been one on optimizing their code. You have three different processes talking with each other in order to display a single document–all of which making sure there is no problematic code. Of course it’s going to be slower.

Still, it’s not something you’ll have to put up with much longer: Windows 8 has its own built-in PDF reader, finally bringing Microsoft up to par with Apple and Linux. Of course, it’s a Metro app, so whether you’ll like it depends on whether you like that app paradigm.