Why is it...

…that if I copy a long post before hitting “submit” it goes through fine. If I fail to take this step the hamsters make a meal of the post.

…around here we have 10 digit dialing and layover area codes for the phone system. One particular area code can be a local call (10 digit dial) or long distance (1+10 digit) depending on the location. Dial it wrong and you get the dreaded “you must/it is not necessary to dial a 1 before this number” message. Why is it, in a 50/50 proposition of whether or not to dial 1 first, I never get it right?

Toast … buttered side down … nuff’ said. :slight_smile:

I don’t think so. I’ve had the same problem. I also have a problem with typos where they only appear if I don’t do something to the text, such as copy it or even spell check it.
I’m thinking that an extra step like that registers in subtle ways with the browser that it can’t rely on memory and has to do something to continue.