Why is my bedroom so hot all of a sudden?

Whoo whoo! Well, not exactly.

I have my automatic thermostat set on “freeze your ass off cold” at night, and then at 7 it goes up really warm to coax me out of bed around 7:30 and then back down when I’m at work all day. Anyway, it’s been really, really warm after 7 lately. Hot, even. Just in the bedroom - the rest of the house is chilly, at least in comparison.

I checked all the registers, and they’re fine - open and not obstructed. Nothing has changed except maybe instead of keeping the guest bedroom door closed half of the time or so, we keep it closed all of the time because the new kitten can’t go in there. Could that be causing this? If not that, then what? Is there anything simple I can check for?

The main problem is that you and the thermostat are in different rooms.
I solved this at my house by stringing a separate thermostat in the bedroom. It’s a little trouble, but you get used to it. You turn one off and the other on when you go to bed or get up. [Now that I see it in print, I realize I could put a simple switch by the main one, so they could stay set and I would never by mistake leave them both on or off. Will put that on my todo list for next year :wink: ]

As to why, it’s usually how windy and/or cold it is outside.
Thermostats are usually in the center of the house. If it’s windy or cold your bedroom is colder than the center of the house, so you get up and turn the thermostat up. The wind dies down, the temperatures are equal, and now your bedroom is roasting.

No, I never touch the thermostat. That’s the point of having it automatic. So I’m not turning it up - it’s just overheating my room.

It’s probably been happening recently because it’s been so much colder than normal. If you have a heat pump, below a certain temperature it will turn on the auxiliary heating elements to make actual warm air instead of the cool air most heat pumps seem to output.

Close or partically close the vent in your room to compensate.

If the door is closed then the warm air in the bedroom stays there and does not contribute to the overall heating of the house (and the thermostat.)

Whatever you’re doing, let me know, because my bedroom is freezing and the rest of the house, while not exactly warm, is tolerable.

(Oh, and did you notice what a high views-to-response ratio you have with this thread title?) :smiley:

I know, I couldn’t figure out a more descriptive title at the time. I should add (HVAC) to it.

Shouldn’t it be the complete opposite, though? I didn’t mention it, but the thermostat is in a small interior room. My bedroom is a corner room with 4 original 1928 single pane windows.

Also, we’ve always kept my bedroom door closed, because of the noise the cats make. The door I only close now is the guest bedroom, which is chilly like the rest of the house.

Do you have a forced-air furnace? I’ve noticed that when it’s really cold outside, it’s really hot in my house because my forced air furnace is blowing hot air contstantly to maintain 65 degrees (that’s what I have it set to) rather then cycling on and off.