Why Is My Urine Clear?

By the way . . . you guys are aware that “clear” and “colorless” are not the same thing, right? (Chemistry 101)

Actually, coffee is not a diuretic. That’s been disproven. People think it is because of the water in it; you overload on water and it seems like a diuretic. When people drank equal amounts of coffee vs. other liquids, there was negligible difference in urine output.

But the coffee could easily explain the OP.

Finally somebody noticed! :smiley:

If your urine isn’t clear then you DO have a problem, regardless of whether it is colourless.

I bet zombies have urine that’s below body temperature, at least below normal human body temperature.


This myth won’t seem to die.

Although I think current wisdom is that caffeine is possibly a mild diuretic in those who do not regularly ingest caffeine, but the body builds up a tolerance to consistent exposure and any diuretic effect is negated.