It’s been a while since I’ve listened to Rush Limbaugh, but I turned him on today and noticed that he sounds different. I can’t really explain it, but I was hoping someone else may have noticed it and can at least confirm for me that I’m not completely insane.
He is speaking in this slow, deliberate, monotone sort of way that creates the mental picture of a wise old man, peering over his glasses, explaining the ways of the world.
So what gives? Is he doing it deliberately in order to make himself sound more pompous than he already does. Is he ill? Or has it simply been so long since I’ve listened to him that I’ve forgotten what he sounds like?
I’m glad to know I’m not the only one that noticed that. I thought my radio was about to go on the fritz.
I used to be an avid listener, also. But it’s been about two years since I had a car radio that plays AM (go figure) so I quit listening altogether.
The other day, while trying to tune into another program which was to start immediately after Rush, I caught the last few minutes of his show. I thought he sounded like he was either drunk or over-medicated. His voice was not only slow, but he sounded hoarse, too.
I don’t have any idea what’s wrong with him, but I, too, would be interested to know if someone here has any ideas. I looked for some clues on his website, but nothing is mentioned there, or else I totally missed where it explains his new way of speaking.
I find that, when listening to Rush Limbaugh (when I’m stuck in the car with my dad), it helps to picture the blue bald eagle muppet from The Muppet Show.
Last time my Dad and I took a trip, I noticed that Rush did sound different from the last time I’d heard him. I have no idea what might have changed him, though.
Someone on another MB I used to frequent said that in their dorm room they used to play a game where they’d turn on Rush Limbaugh and turn it off whenever he said “Clinton”.
He claimed the longest they ever had to listen was 34 seconds.
I’m guessing either focus groups or a desire to become more mainstream/more respected is shaping his delivery which, BTW, I haven’t noticed since I ain’t exactly a dittohead.
Consider that Rush was recently semi-offered the slot as a Monday Night Football host. Maybe he is trying to moderate his image somewhat, so that he won’t alienate so many people. Perhaps new focus-group research shows that he can expand his audience/sustain his ratings by taking the sharpest edges off his trademark delivery. Or, perhaps he simply wants to be perceived as a statesman of sorts.
I’ve read somewhere (perhaps on SDMB?) that some radio stations will speed up (compress) pre-taped programs in order to squeeze in extra time for commercials. Obviously, that is going to affect the voice pitch and timbre. If so, you may now be listening to “Rush live” rather than “Rush squished”.
Else, he may be slowing down in order to sound more erudite and wise. Remember the old commercial, “If you want someone’s attention…whisper”? Perhaps he is slowing his speech pattern so the listener will hang on every word.
So, either Rush is slowing down now, or the radio speeded him up before.
[katiekilldare - Ack! I love Sam the Eagle!!! Please don’t taint my image of him!!!]
He probably grew up and realized that there is more to life than Clinton.
He has used this voice style from time to time; it was just that Clinton stuck in his craw and we don’t hear it often. He have come to realize that even those who don’t like his opinions like it when they are being talked to, as opposed to being talked at or mocked. Also, he probably heard calls and letters from his fans to kill all Arabs, and, like other mainstram conservatives, he is shunning them as he is not that way. Or he probably saw the three-headed Falwell/Robertson/Phelps 666 leviathan state their views, and came to the conclusion that he can’t support them.
When he actually formulates an opinion with facts, and combine it with his “talking to” style, he actually comes across as one of the better statesman of the conservative view, along with George Will and Armstrong Williams.
I too noticed it when wrapping up some fish…no, it’s radio not a newspaper. As far as I know the station here always carried his show live, so I don’t think it’s a tape thing.
I have listened to Rush for a long time. I also listen to NPR and Howard Stern, so sue me. I just like to hear a variety of ideas.
However, I hadn’t been listening to him much in the recent past. But while trying to catch up on the latest news, I’ve been tuning in the local ABC Radio affiliate that carries his show and I noticed this, too.
The first thing I thought is: He’s trying to sound like William F. Buckley.
On Monday Rush said the remarks made by Robertson and Falwell were “despicable and indefensible.” I could not believe my ears, Rush was disagreeing with two of his closests allies I was taken aback by a glimmer of respect for him.
Alas, I spoke to soon. Tuesday Rush stated he agreered with R/F that ACLU types, feminists, gays, etc., were trying to destroy the country but a good many people were trying to stop them. Rush said he did not believe God had anything to do with the WTC because innocents were killed. He went on to say if the only people who were killed were feminists gays, etc., then he could believe God did it.