Why is the Cervix very far from the Cervical area of the neck?

Having endured surgery 10 days ago on C-4, 5, 6 & 7 I’ve got more than a passing familiarity with the Cervical area of my spine.

Why in the world is the neck area of the spinal process called this, whereas the lower spine area around the Cervix is called the Lumbar/ Sacros-Iliac area?

Someone messed up…

Do you mean the birth canal cervix? It’s because that’s the ‘neck’ of the uterus.


Indeed !?

Yes. Neck is used in the sense of a neck of a river, i.e. a narrow channel, or the neck of a bottle.

Right. Depending on the sex, the human body has more than one cervix.

Similarly, a “sinus” is any bay-like opening — there’s a renal sinus in your kidneys.

Open the sinus doors, Hal…

The body is also chock-full of sphincters, not just the one that’s the butt of so many jokes.

If the cervix were near the cervical area of the neck, it would be too long of a swim, I would think.

IIUC “vagina” and “appendix” are also names for generic shapes of things, even though they normally refer to one specific instance of that shape.

Not with enough body re-designs (for both sexes).

What a dickhead.

And to confuse you further, other organs that are nowhere near the neck have necks of the own, i.e. the gallbladder, pancreas and urinary bladder.

How does a sinus heart rhythm fit it with the other usage of sinus?

The signal is generated by the sinoatrial node (located in the sinus of the vena cava), I always figured that was the source of the name? The excitation then travels across the atria to the atrioventricular node, then along the bundle of His, then down to the Purkinje fibres.

A sinus is a cavity. The sinoatrial node is located in the Sinus venosus.

Both of these confusions emerge from the Latin meaning of a word not precisely matching the colloquial use.

The Automaticity system in the human body is just a remarkable bit of evolution. I believe in Evolution. I also believe there’s a God of sorts. Evolution took care of the Automaticity.

Random bits of basic chemistry- the normal diet of the last, say, 5 million years or so, allow for the heart to do its thing. Deny someone a few basic elements? Their heart is fucked.

For that matter, deny yourself 100% of fats in ALL manner and type and eventually the lining of the brain will start to decay and neurological deficits will present.

Doesn’t have to be short ribs, but the lining of the brain takes the fat from the blood before anywhere else in the body. It uses it to feed the brain.

Love A&P !!!

Yes. The original latin word “vagina” referred to a sheath, and it’s used in that sense to also mean things other than the mammalian birth canal.