Why is the Cross Worshipped?

The symbol comes from the ancient sun sign and it was used as a weapon of terror and execution by Roman Emperors, including Constantine who established the Catholic Church. He tortured, maimed and killed all who would not worship it and his edicts to this effect have survived. The cross was then used by Hitler who used Constantine as his mentor. Again it was on weapons of murder and torture as he raided, plundered, and devastated countries and the forces of many countries.

Far from being a symbol representing God it represents nothing but horror to those who were tortured, murdered and so forth by dictators who used it for power and control.

You can read more here

I think the Church took the cross as a symbol for the reason that it WAS a horrible symbol of the Roman Empire. Sort of a “In your face Romans”. You use it as a form of execution and fear, we will use it as a symbol of peace and love.

I think we just had a discussion along these lines, including some fictional alternatives that are useful in illustrating the thinking behind the symbol.

I’m not a Christian, but I used to be, so here it goes:

Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth was God made flesh and that he endured all the pain and suffering and death of crucifixion to atone for the sins of all mankind. He did this because He loves humanity and doesn’t want us to suffer eternal torment in Hell. Thus, the cross is a symbol of the sacrifice God made for mankind and the love that He has for us.

Worship? I don’t know. Revere what it symbolizes? oh yes.

Why would one want to? The site was obviously written by someone with an agenda and an utter lack of historical knowledge.
Associating 666 with Constantine is just silly.
Claiming that Constantine “created” the Catholic Church is absurd. The church had been around for a couple of hundred years before Constantine, with bishops and patriarchs, a liturgy and doctrines and a recognizable body of Scripture.
A claim that he turned the “Mother God” into “the Mother of God” is so hopelessly unhistorical as to demonstrate a complete divorce from reality.

The cross was not anything close to the “oldest symbol from the Roman empire.” It was simply one method of execution that actually was used as a sign of ridicule for Christians beginning in the late first century.

Eusebius was never Constantine’s “bishop at court.” They met and had a friendly relationship, but Eusebius never lived at Rome or at Constantinople. He spent the better part of his life in Caesarea.

A site that can get neither the major points nor the minor details correct should probably be better ignored. We are here to fight ignorance, not promote it.

You would have thought rule #3 would have been the end of it.

Don’t feed the troll.

More importantly, do not accuse other posters of trolling in any forum other than The BBQ Pit.

Knock it off.

[ /Moderating ]

It’s not. Next question?

Wow. One of those dudes musta been really old.

Is the OP saying that the swastika is the Christian cross?

I’m just glad Jesus was not executed by impalement. Imagine wearing that image 'round your neck.

I’m reminded of an old joke; “You know how some Christians sign themselves with the Cross? It’s a good thing that Jesus wasn’t executed by electric chair; imagine what they’d have to do then!”

<vibrates frenziedly>

With due respect the Catholic Church came into existence in 325 after Caesar. that is historically proven. The New Testament was compiled by Jerome AFTER he put in place its rules, festivals, order of the mass, and the instruments used. These things were taken from the Imperial Roman Religion (historical facts). Even the CC admits that it produced the NT.

Constantine built the Vatican over the temple to Jupiter (historical fact) and Matthew was based on the Vedic Trinity of which Krishna is the third person. It was the following of Krishna that were labelled ‘Krishians’ but this has been confused to become Christian.

Revelation 13: 13-18 states that Constantine invented Jesus Christ and that he forced everyone to worship the image or be killed. The OT identifies the conspiracy (Ezekiel 22:25,26) and Isaiah 45: 6, 7, 22 states that God is ONE and that there is nothing beside the Divine who makes peace and creates evil. That means there is no devil, no angels, no saints and certainly no hell.

Revelation 17 tells all about the Mother God and the things it has done to the world.

So before you call me names and say that I don’t know what I am talking about maybe you should do a little research and you might find differently. Eusebius was the Bishop at Court of Constantine and he was the one who introduced the original Apostles Creed at the Council of Nicaea. There was another Eusebius at Caesarea that you are probably getting confused about.

There is no evidence to support the NT claims outside of that document so I ask again why would anyone worship the cross?

No! The swastika was the cross used by the Zoroaster religion of Babylon. The right angled cross, which is the sun sign of antiquity, is the one Christians have adopted and worship.

Putting aside the ridiculus text of the question, responding only to the subject,

then, putting aside the false assumption implied in the subject,


In my branch of the church, the empty cross is a symbol of the ‘absence’ of Christs body. It’s not there.

It is a negative space.

It is true there was a Roman Christian church before Constantine, but the word Catholic was the same meaning as universal and Constantine is responsible for that. There was more than one Christian Church and not all believed the same thing, then Constantine saw the advantage of having all united and the Apostles Creed was formed. and the Orthodox and Roman bishops decided what was of God and what was not. This lasted for about 700 years until the Orthodox split from Rome. There was no recognition of any other Christian church as being Catholic. Several of the other authors were discarded such as the Gospel of Thomas, and others. The Gnostics were not recognized either.

As I understand it the Cross is not worshipped, it is just a symbol of faith that Jesus gave his life on the cross for the salvation of mankind( sort of like a countries flag.

Although Jesus is quoted as saying, “I just came for the lost sheep of Israel”.

Revelation 13:13-17 says none of this. You can’t even construct a logical way to say it’s a metaphor for that. It would have been pretty amazing if it did, since Revelation was written before Constantine was born.