Why is the SDMB membership declining, and what's the best way to add younger members?

… that you agree with. The reason there is a friendly consensus is because anyone you don’t agree with leaves. Disagreement is often expressed in the most unfriendly terms.

Personally, I came here and remain here because of The Straight Dope and QQ. I don’t want GQ to be like other general interest forums, which are mostly full of unfounded opinion.

I think that it is possible that young people might not have the same interest in facts and knowledge that I do: they’ve grown up with Google, and perhaps facts and knowledge just don’t have the same importance as when I was young? If that’s true, then the SDMB is done.

On the other hand, if it’s not true, I’ve long thought that we could continue a front-page blog based on questions in GQ. There are still occasional odd questions that attract long and thoughtful responses:
How Can a Jet Engine Fly in the Rain? - General Questions - Straight Dope Message Board
Something like that is still odd and interesting, even though it’s not as odd and interesting as a typical SD column was.