There’s granulated cane sugar, but corn “sugar” seems to come in syrup form only. Why is this? Why is there no granulated “corn sugar”?
There is; it’s called dextrose.
I don’t know why it isn’t commonly sold for household use like cane sugar, though.
You add a bit of corn syrup to candy made with granulated sugar to help keep it from crystalizing out of a super saturated solution. An example is fudge. A tablespoon goes into frosting to make it a bit smoother. You can cook corn syrup into a hard candy, but it doesn’t crystalize into small individual crystals like beet or cane sugar. Someone that can explain why it won’t do this will have to take over from here.
Well I guess it can be made granular, but it still does work to help prevent the granulation of candy.
Because it is not as sweet as common table sugar (sucrose). You need about 50% dextrose more to equal the sweetness of sucrose.
50% more dextrose :smack:
You can buy corn sugar in powered form from beer and wine making supply shops. It absorbs water and turns into a hard lump very quickly if you don’t keep it well sealed. If you put it in a sugar bowl, in about 2 days you probably couldn’t get it back out.
I’ve not had the problem. I buy ingredient kits which always come with way too much corn sugar. Rather than throw it out, I keep adding it to a big tupperware (little-t) bowl in my basement. It’s still mostly granular.
Given that, anyone have a good use for corn sugar aside from making beer? I can’t bear to throw it out, as I said.
I thought that granulated sugar, for table use, was also made from sugar beets, not so?
Table sugar could be either cane or beet sugar. The container should say which it is.
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